Billing question



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.nextel (More info?)

I currently have two lines of service and plan to activate a third (not
shared line) for a family member that does not reside with me. (a divorce
ruined his credit rating).

Can I get Nextel to send the bill to him directly, the store says no, but
after reading all the posts here I tend not to believe the stores.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.nextel (More info?)

i don't think so but call 611 from your phone and they'll tell you. I
kind of doubt it because it's in your care and if he didn't pay it, it
would fall on you!


if you wanna donate for unlocking after the service has been rendered
that's cool. but if not, no worries i don't hold any grudges! my paypal
addy is
http://cellphoneforums.netView this thread:


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.nextel (More info?)

Yes it is possible to do. Tell Nextel that there is a third party involved.
the phone is under your name but he is a user. They do it all the time for
business too.
"rdmiller" <> wrote in message
> i don't think so but call 611 from your phone and they'll tell you. I
> kind of doubt it because it's in your care and if he didn't pay it, it
> would fall on you!
> --
> rdmiller
> if you wanna donate for unlocking after the service has been rendered
> that's cool. but if not, no worries i don't hold any grudges! my paypal
> addy is
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://cellphoneforums.netView this thread:


Sep 9, 2003
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.nextel (More info?)

Yes, it is possible to get a bill sent directly to a user. What you need to
ask for, when calling customer care, is called a "Hierarchy Request". You
simply tell them which number you want to receive a separate bill for, and
the name and address where the "Courtesy Statement" will be sent. You will
still receive a bill with ALL the charges on it, since you are financially
responsible for payment if the user does not pay their portion, but it will
show what is their portion. They will recive a statement, which will only
show their portion of the bill, but no payment remittance stub (it will say
"Total, $xx.xx, transferred to account number xxxxxxxxx", which is your main
account). They can make payments over the phone if they give their phone
number to pull up the account with, or if you give them the PO Box address
your bill says to "Mail payment to:" (NOT the address on the left for
"Correspondence", a payment can take up to 3 or more months to be processed
if you send it there). When the payment is made they will be given a
confirmation/voucher number for the payment as long as it is not declined.
They will not be given any info on the account except that which they can
get from the automated system, unless they can verify the authorized contact
info (password, if there is one, or 3 out of 5 pieces of account info, which
the care rep will ask for).

"Valentino Veliz" <> wrote in message
> Yes it is possible to do. Tell Nextel that there is a third party
> the phone is under your name but he is a user. They do it all the time for
> business too.
> "rdmiller" <> wrote in message
> >
> > i don't think so but call 611 from your phone and they'll tell you. I
> > kind of doubt it because it's in your care and if he didn't pay it, it
> > would fall on you!
> >
> >
> > --
> > rdmiller
> >
> > if you wanna donate for unlocking after the service has been rendered
> > that's cool. but if not, no worries i don't hold any grudges! my paypal
> > addy is
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > http://cellphoneforums.netView this thread:
> >