Question Black screen after installing nvidia drivers (GTX 1060)

Apr 17, 2020
Im switching from rx 560 to an gtx 1060 and before removing my old gpu I uninstalled the drivers with ddu, after putting my new gpu in I vent straight to nvidias web site to download new drivers. Half way through the installation I heard the plug and unplug windows sound, after that my screen was black, waited 15 more minutes and restarted my pc and everything was black but the pc was booting. Tried installing my old gpu in which worked, uninstalled the drivers again, replaced my old gpu with a new one, installed the drivers again and the same happened.
Update: I managed to install the drivers in a Safe mode but when I boot up the computer normally it just black screens again (disconnects hdmi)
full system spec? include brand and model of the psu

new or used gtx 1060? test it on another working pc?

Its an used one, I can still return it to the guy and get my money back. The guy even said what drivers he was using and even that didnt work.
I5 4590
Rx 560 4gb (In my pc right now)
Asus h81m plus