Bravia Full HD won't show pc via HDMI on 1080p but will on 720p

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Oct 19, 2011

I just bought a Sony Bravia KDL-40HX800 tv and I tried to hook up my pc to it using hdmi to hdmi. The problem is that my tv won't show 1080p but it will show 720p. Both machines use a resolution of 1920x1080 so it shouldn't be an issue. The PC runs on Win7 64bit.

I changed the Hz to anything from 24Hz to 60Hz and it made no difference, it just doesn't show anything on 1080.

In my computer I have an Asus Ati Radeon (EAH)5770 HD card if that helps. I updated my drivers but that hasn't helped the issue. Does anyone have any Idea how to solve this problem?

By the way I contacted Sony and they said it's probably an issue with the pc because my PS3 works fine with gaming as well as blurays.

Thanks everyone and I hope someone else has had the same issue and more importantly; solved it! :)

P.S. I hope I post this in the correct categorie, if not please say so. Thanks

earlier on you mentioned something about changing it from 24 to 60 so The first thing I would try is 1080p24, no ?

then you say this.......

If you want to add a modified HDTV setting, you apply a 720p or 1080i standard setting, click "Add" and modify the rectangle until the background is only slightly visible.)

so if the first doesn't work/1080p-24 the I would add the 720/1080 and modify the rectangle...... I assume the slider which should fill the screen for you.
Are you using an HDMI cable through a DVI adapter?
if you go to
windows->control panel->appearance and personalization->adjust screen resolution
what options do you see ?

does the catalyst control center recognize it as aTV or a DVI display?

I had a similar issue where my graphics adapter was treating my tv as a DVI display. I'm trying to remember how I fix it.
Windows does recognize it as "Sony TV" with no options about changing resolutions or anything (which makes sense as it's just a projector and not something that the Pc has the "power" to change). It's also HDMI to HDMI, from the back of my graphics card to the back of my tv.

I'm not sure about how catalyst sees the TV though, have to check on that, but I'm pretty sure it's recognized as a tv, but I'll check. I'm Dutch btw so I first have to get home from work 😛.
While your descryption of how to get there in catalyst doesn't exactly match mine, I did manage to find the tv. It says Sony TV, DFP (whatever that is) HDMI. For my monitor it says IPS236, DFP, DVI. So everything in my computer detects is as a TV really. Man I'm really lost with this one...
Try running an HDMI - DVI cable and see what that does. On my setup I was getting constant errors running my Geforce 550 SLI setup through a 42" Vizio using an HDMI adapter, and then I switched to using an HDMI - Mini HDMI cable and those errors disappeared.

No 60 seems to be the maximum. And I canýt seem to set up the TV seperately from the monitor. Because my monitor has a maximum Hz of 60, so does my tv... Also, I can't set it up so that my TV is my main screen, only the monitor allows for that.

Thanks. I'll wait for bit and maybe give that a try. Don't want to go out getting any new cables just yet, but thanks very much for your reply.
my tv is a 720p monitor. when I hook up the HDMI from the video card to the tv ( HDMI/HDMI ) I go into the tv's control panel and select the ( in this my case ) the #4 HDMI adapter.

if you have your tv set as pc monitor instead of just selecting the HDMI slot that the machine is plugged into, this may be causing your problem.

I just duplicate the dektop to the tv (from the PC). The TV doesn't atomatically switch to HDMI when I do, I have to manually select HDMI to see it.

Check out - they have cables like that for super cheap, I get nearly all my cables from there now.
I think that this may be a settings issue but if you have an extra hdmi cable you may want to try swapping it. Since it is just for testing you may just want to disconnect your Ps3.

Also try changing the resolution to something other than 720p, such as 1023x768 then move it to something higher 1280x1024

Open up the CCC ( catalyst control center ). Look for DTV (DVI) 5. Click on the + sign to open the drop down menu. Look for HDTV Support. In the window at the right look for your TV and Resolution. My guess would be 1080p24 format from what I read up top in your post where you said you changed it from 24 to 60.

if you don't have the CCC installed, go to the AMD driver update site and download the latest driver SUITE. That will install the latest driver and the CCC.
Okay. Is everyone still using CCC? I've updated my Ati drivers recently (for Rage) and I'm using the AMD VISION control center. Or is CCC something different. Pardon for being a n00b about this but I thought that AVCC was the new version or something.

Anyway, that probably means that the menu options won't match though... But I'll still have a look and see if I can find anything about HDTV support.
I just came from the download site and downloaded the very latest driver suite. 11-9 is the one I down loaded. it has the CCC in it. If you don't have it I suggest you use the link, download the suite for your set up and run it. It has both fixes in it( for BC3 and Rage ).

Great Swifty, I will as soon as I can. Thanks a lot for your help so far!
I contacted Asus last week and finally got a response.

The guy who answered me suggested

To remove all the drivers from the card in windows' safe mode
Remove the card from the motherboard
Put it back in and run a CMOS test (don't know what it is but apparrently I can find it in the Motherboard manual)
Reboot in normal mode and install the latest drivers
Reboot the system again after which it should be all roses from there.

Does anybody agree with him?

Because of this response I haven't tried just installing the latest drivers, Swifty. But I will get around to it.

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