BSOD Problems Maybe CPU


Jul 22, 2004
My computer has been displaying a few different BSOD before I did a reformat. I thought that it may be driver issues so I just reformatted the computer (xp pro) and reinstalled default drivers that I have never had problems for.

My system
p4 2.4 533fsb
512 generic 2700 ram
80gig seagate
geforce 4 mx 440se

Okay well after I reformatted I still get BSOD, but only when I am doing stuff that is cpu intensive (ie Games). So the first thing that come to me was ram. So I ran memtest86 for 9 hours, no errors. Then I ran prime95 and I get an execution halt rounding error, at the second line of 512 in the torture test large FFT's. So this leads me to believe that it is the CPU (because ram seems good). My computer is sitting at 36 degrees (australia) and when under load jumps to about 54 degrees. That is a big jump. Any ideas on what I should do? Or what else could be wrong with my computer?
im betting its the ram. Generic. You get what you pay for. Also you may try uping the voltages on both your ram and your cpu to see if that helps.

Main System Specs
AMD Athlon64 3200
Asus K8V SE Deluxe
ATI Radeon 9800XT
Kingston Hyperx 1GB
SB Audigy
SATA150 TX2plus
Samsung 172X
I'm betting it is either your PSU, or <A HREF="" target="_new"> bad caps </A>

= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =
I'm betting dust. Before you go buying any thing, use the reverse end of a vacuum to blow out your box. Pay special attention to the psu, and the area around the chip. Then take the hsf off the chip, and give it a good wipe down with alcohol and a q-tip.