[SOLVED] Can a good psu stop pc restarts under load/gaming during power cuts?


Dec 28, 2016
My pc restarts itself during sudden power cuts all tho it's connected to ups/inverter, it really annoying specially during intense co-op sessions. so can good psu stop this from happening under load/gaming?

current psu - antec neo eco 550w bronze 80+ (all tho my pc don't face sudden restart issue when ideal but only while gaming/under load)

the upgrade I have in mind xpg core reactor 750w (the best i could find in stock and within my budget)

specs: i5 8400, auros 2070s, 2666mhz ram.
so can good psu stop this from happening under load/gaming?

Yes, it can.

antec neo eco 550w bronze 80+

A poor PSU to use. That also explains why you'll get reboots during heavy load.

For new PSU, look towards Seasonic PRIME or Focus series, in 750W range.

xpg core reactor 750w (the best i could find in stock and within my budget)

Well, it has reviewed good,
link: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/xpg-core-reactor-750w-power-supply-review

And you'd be fine with it.
so can good psu stop this from happening under load/gaming?

Yes, it can.

antec neo eco 550w bronze 80+

A poor PSU to use. That also explains why you'll get reboots during heavy load.

For new PSU, look towards Seasonic PRIME or Focus series, in 750W range.

xpg core reactor 750w (the best i could find in stock and within my budget)

Well, it has reviewed good,
link: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/xpg-core-reactor-750w-power-supply-review

And you'd be fine with it.
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Better platform, better quality, cheaper and no issue with any GPU at all.

That's your word only.

If it truly would be equal or better than "any" Seasonic, including PRIME TX, then it surely must have 80+ Titanium efficiency as well, just like PRIME TX has it. And to be better from PRIME series, it must have minimum of 13 years of warranty, because PRIME TX series has 12 years of warranty. But since it doesn't have neither of the two, it is not better than "any" of the Seasonic, especially PRIME TX series.

Official specs: http://shop.xpg.com/xpg-core-reactor-atx-power-supply-750w-fully-modular/
No specs listing, other than hard-to-read description.
Only 3 years of warranty.
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Better efficiency and longer warrenty doesn't mean it's a better PSU.

But cheaper price does mean it is a better PSU?

Also, warranty length clearly indicates how reliable it is. Since even if manufacturer doesn't believe the PSU to last long, only 3 years, what "better PSU" are you talking about?

Moreover, there are some shady dealings going on with Adata brand of XPG.
This is supposed to be the PSU's official specs: https://www.xpg.com/us/xpg/641 Which is supposed to list 10 years of warranty as well. But i can't access it. I've tried dozens of times now, with different browsers and every time i get "site not found or moved" error.
Though, if you were to go to xpg.com site, and then select XPG -> Official Store, you can navigate yourself to that PSU. Ending up on this link: http://shop.xpg.com/xpg-core-reactor-atx-power-supply-750w-fully-modular/
And on that link, there are no specs. Only wall of text. Oh, warranty is also listed as "3 year limited warranty".

Yeah, all that shady dealings for sure boost the confidence in that PSU, or XPG in general.

Seasonic, in the other hand, doesn't do such trickery. Their website works fine and lists all PSU specs. Link: https://seasonic.com/consumer/power-supplies

When PRIME series first launched, it too came with 10 years of warranty, e.g SSR-650TD (powering my Skylake build). Refresh of the initial PRIME series was PRIME Ultra series, which was renamed to PRIME TX for better understanding to consumers, e.g SSR-650TR (powering my Haswell build). Then PRIME Ultra and now PRIME series PSUs have 12 years of warranty. Seasonic is also confident in their initial PRIME line and they extended the warranty of their initial PRIME units with 2 years as well. Meaning that my PRIME 650 (SSR-650TD) that i bought with 10 years of warranty, now has 12 years of warranty from purchase date.
I have not seen any other PSU OEM/brand to retroactively increase the warranty period of their already produced and sold PSUs. Also, Seasonic is the ONLY ONE that offers 12 years of warranty to their PSUs. <- That is something i trust.
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any other brand you would recommend over core reactor?

Super Flower Leadex III
Corsair RM, RMx, HX, HXi, AX, AXi. Though, other Corsair models, e.g CV, CX, CXm, TX, TXm are best to steer clear away.

EVGA SuperNova, older units, are also good but newer units murk the water. With this, it's better to avoid EVGA completely.

Oh, further reading about PSUs and which to choose: https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...pply-discussion-thread-toms-hardware.3212332/
all tho RM750(non x) and RM850(non x) is available at 40-60$ more cost than core reactor 750w

Here's RM750 review: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/corsair-rm750-power-supply,6172.html It's a good PSU.

Though, PSU is the only thing that you do not want to cheap out on, since it powers everything and is the most important component in your PC. Remember, if you pay peanuts - you'll get monkeys,
And after seeing the shady dealings going on, on their official site vs official store, i wouldn't even look towards any XPG PSU.

XPG Core Reactor is a far superior PSU.

While it reviewed well on Aris'es review, it could very well be cherry-picked review sample, completely different what consumers are getting. This tactic isn't any news and amoral companies have done it for years with PC hardware.

XPG is a brand of Adata and Adata is mostly known by storage hardware (RAM, SSD, HDD, USB flash drives etc.) And they aren't exceptionally good in it either. So, i find it hard to believe that an average memory and storage company manages to come out with exceptionally good PSU.

Further discussion of that PSU in here: https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...0w-power-supply-review.3573153/#post-22381482
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XPG is a brand of Adata and Adata is mostly known by storage hardware (RAM, SSD, HDD, USB flash drives etc.) And they aren't exceptionally good in it either. So, i find it hard to believe that an average memory and storage company manages to come out with exceptionally good PSU.

Sometimes companies hire people to do the job properly. In this case, Adata hired a guy that's been in the industry almost as long as me.