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That card has no external power connector so it will be solely powered by the pci-e port.
That it only gets power from the PCI-e slotwhat do you mean no external power? no pcie power?
That's a junk PSU.,aps,192&sr=8-2Which exact 1050Ti? Some do require a 6-pin power connector.
That card has no external power connector so it will be solely powered by the pci-e port.
The motherboard is not the problem, the PSU looking to run a 1050 ti on this motherboard will it run it?
so i will have to get a new one?The motherboard is not the problem, the PSU is.
can you recommend one that will power a 1050 ti?The Evga N series is Very old, group regulated, non-80+ with only the barest protections to enable it to pass ATX standards and be called a pc psu. In reality it's about as bad as it gets, not really even worthy of being an office pc psu replacement.
Can you use it, will it power that card, Yes it will. But thats not the right question. The right question is for how long it will power that card before it either blows up or causes catastrophic hardware failures due to excessive dirty power.
Pc's are not cheap to replace, and having to toss your baby in the trash because you have the cheapest possible POS psu and it burned out your cpu or motherboard or gpu....
Yesso i will have to get a new one?
What's your lacation and give us a link to a webshop.can you recommend one that will power a 1050 ti?
What's your lacation and give us a link to a webshop.
This Corsair CX450 model will do the job, is acceptable quality and comes at a good price right now @ $59.99 CAD.canada