[SOLVED] Can I update my mobo(b250m-ds3h) bios to make it compatible with 9th gen intel cpus

Jun 6, 2020
Hey I'm looking to upgrade my PCs CPU since I recently bought and installed a new graphics card (GTX 1650)

I want to get a 9th gen Intel CPU if possible but I am new to custom building PCs so I am not sure if I'm able to simply update my bios and make it compatible with a 9th gen Intel CPU (i5-9400) or If I am better off sticking with a 7th gen Intel CPU even though they are still quite pricey i.e I5 - 7400 is priced around 177GBP on amazon at the moment and the 9th Gen I5 - 9400 is priced at 170GBP.

Looking forward to your guys replies
You need to buy a new motherboard if you want to use 9th gen CPUs, there is no BIOS update that will give you the ability to use the 9th gen CPUs on that motherboard.