[SOLVED] Can my iGPU work together with dedicated graphics card


May 29, 2019
I would like to ask if it is possible for me to run AMD APU together with Nvidia GPU? As my GPU is pretty weak I could use iGPU to run videos on my two secondary monitors and play games+do heavy workloads on my main screen with dGPU.

If it's possible I would like to ask what exactly I am supposed to do to enable that ? Do I need some drivers? What BIOS settings I need to enable?

MOBO: B450 Tomahawk Max
APU: 5600G (Vega 7 4GB)
dGPU: GTX960 4GB.
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In years past, there were issues with running NVidia and ATI drivers at the same time that caused issues. Those have been (for the most part) resolved. IOW, I've not heard of any conflicts in years.

If the NVidia card was physically removed from the system and your integrated graphics still didn't work, then I'd reinstall the NVidia card, download and install the drivers linked above, reboot your system and then shut it down. Remove the NVidia card once again and test the system using the integrated graphics of the 5600G CPU. If that still doesn't work, then you have another issue; likely with the motherboard (or any adapters you may be using).

-Wolf sends
Initiate Graphic Adapter [PEG] (optional)
Selects a graphics device as the primary boot device.
- [IGD] Integrated Graphics Display.
- [PEG] PCI-Express Graphics Device.

Integrated Graphics [Auto] (optional)
- If set to Force, BIOS will enable the integrated graphics controller.

From your motherboard manual. Which setting did you change? Initiate Graphic Adapter should be set to PEG. Integrated Graphics should be set to Force.

-Wolf sends
Odd then. That should have worked. I guess it's not an option for your system.

-Wolf sends
I remember when I first started up the system they both kind of worked I guess (my iGPU took 4GB off my RAM), but when I plugged monitors onto my MOBO nothing happened - it was saying No Signal. It was set to Gaming or something like that back then.

Thanks for answer tho. I guess it might be some driver problem or something. Or maybe the CPU is too new for the BIOS (5600g didn't exist at date of my last firmware update)
Just to verify, the two do work independently, yes? If you just connect one display to the graphics card output, it works. If you remove the graphics card from your system and connect one display to your motherboard's output, it works,

-Wolf sends
Just to verify, the two do work independently, yes? If you just connect one display to the graphics card output, it works. If you remove the graphics card from your system and connect one display to your motherboard's output, it works,

-Wolf sends
Didn't test the APU without dedicated GPU. But will probably do that tommorow, now it's too late for me to start disassembling PC 😀
Sorry it took long. When I disconnect GPU and only leave APU it does not show any input. It might be because my BIOS is older than 5600g - problem is that only newer BIOS is Beta. It also could be caused because I don't have any AMD GPU Drivers. So yeah I can only use my dedicated GPU as of now.
AMD Ryzen 5 5600G Driver Download Page
Assuming you're running either Windows 10 or 11, these should be the ones you need to install.

And just to verify, when you attempted just your iGPU, the graphics card was physically removed from the PCI-Ex16 slot?

-Wolf sends

I'm running Windows 11. Question is .. will the Nvidia drivers work well alongside AMD drivers? Will it work at all? Will I be able to boot at least safe mode if something goes wrong?

I removed GPU completely (from both PCI-E and PSU).
In years past, there were issues with running NVidia and ATI drivers at the same time that caused issues. Those have been (for the most part) resolved. IOW, I've not heard of any conflicts in years.

If the NVidia card was physically removed from the system and your integrated graphics still didn't work, then I'd reinstall the NVidia card, download and install the drivers linked above, reboot your system and then shut it down. Remove the NVidia card once again and test the system using the integrated graphics of the 5600G CPU. If that still doesn't work, then you have another issue; likely with the motherboard (or any adapters you may be using).

-Wolf sends
I've tried different approach. I have installed the AMD driver (although it said most of them were already installed) and set Integrated graphics in BIOS to Gaming (not force). It booted, allocated 4gb off my RAM but in device manager under Graphic Adapters it says that

"This device is not working properly because Windows was unable to load the required device drivers. (Code 31)

The running driver is not the same as the driver for the POSTed video adapter."

So there might be some problem with drivers?

EDIT: I connected one of my screens into MOBO slot and it showed an output during POST but after POSTing its black screen on that monitor.
Also I tried uninstalling that microsoft driver but it keeps reinstalling every 5 seconds not allowing AMD drivers to be installed..
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Okay I kept uninstalling the Microsoft driver over and over again and now AMD installled its driver successfully. Everything's working now! Thank you.
