They likely use a "average" antenna. The optimum antenna size is always a multiple of the wave length. With microwave antenna the wave lengths are very very small and you can likely come up with a length that is a close enough to a exact multiple of both. Not like ham radio antenna where you have wave lengths measured in many meters.
I remember that and some of the stuff about the relationship between a moving radio and the number of fades you'd get. That was 25 years ago I studied that and built AM and FM transmitters/receivers in college.
And with short wavelengths (aka higher frequencies) as you point out, for any frequency, another frequency roughly a multiple of 2 isn't that much to add as far as antenna length...
The antenna on cell phones are extremely tiny and in most cases you can barely tell they are antenna, they are just traces on the printed circuit boards. The antenna for some cell frequencies is much lower which is why you had apple for example building it into the sides of the case and people were shorting it out with their hands.
Yes, some of the early cells (and even the more ancient 'man portable' phones) used lower frequency ranges and that tended to dictate more noticeable antennas.
I used to work for a large cell equipment provider I sat in meetings with people who had degrees in RF engineering. All they did all day long was plan antenna patterns for cell towers. Way to complex for me and I have a masters degree in EE.
Some years back, I worked in mobile policing using a system from Bell called Ardis (or something like that) at 9600 bps (max channel bandwidth on any given frequency you had a card for... practically, the actual bandwidth was more like 1200 to 2400 and they had issues when everyone on shift fired up their laptops. With those limits, the laptops were still a new and wonderful tool and evolved into things capable of shipping files around and handling pictures and so on.
Back then, the radio API was on top of the Network Layer (on some radio networks - different implementation for every vendor's gear, but at least the API tried to harmonize the calls) so I had to write guaranteed delivery (packet sequencing, retransmissions protocols, etc). Lower data rates meant collisions and channel contention when everyone was near the tower near the detachment (until they threw in 2 or 3 more channel cards).
I learned that higher frequencies meant higher data rates were possible but at the cost of coverage footprint for a tower. Faster networks, higher frequencies -> smaller coverage.
I also learned that some cell providers, in addition to the $300K (not counting real estate, permits, or installation) towers they were putting up, had 'base station in a box' that could be used for testing (smaller footprint of course) and that these were sometimes used to shore up localized dead spots. About $75K for one of those boxes, but cheaper than a full tower. And you can move it. Those are good for disaster relief and getting basic phone systems up in disaster areas if they are hooked to a battery bank.
In big cities, the antennas are broken into sectors and of course you have a lot of towers (yours and other providers) around a metropolitan area so aligning the sectors to give coverage but not to interfere with one another was a job for some pretty smart folks.
In places like Vancouver, you need lots of antennas - skyscrapers and hills all over. In Red Deer, I think three towers spaced around the outskirts provided coverage to Red Deer and rural areas around Red Deer. Geography is everything when it comes to transmission line of sight.
More recently, I worked on cell phone policy enforcement software (accounting, auditing, authentication) and on adding some SNMP network monitoring capabilities. The company I worked for had a good product, but there were so many tiers (counting the cell phone provider, the policy enforcement framework (itself N-tier and distributed) and then possibly third parties who can be in various places in the chain... it was a wonder to me that we could ever make a cell phone call at all. It worked and that was a tribute to a lot of smart software engineers.
Thanks again for your insights.