Question Can the x570 Crosshair VIII Formula be used with AIO or Fan

The board can be used either which way but you need to keep in mind that the board's VRM cooling, if taxed high, will need cooling from a custom loop or rather a method to migrate the heat from the VRM's via the ports into a cooling loop.

If your overclocks will not be high, you're good with the cooling assembly passively cooling, though just make sure you have an airflow going across the VRM's.
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The board can be used either which way but you need to keep in mind that the board's VRM cooling, if taxed high, will need cooling from a custom loop or rather a method to migrate the heat from the VRM's via the ports into a cooling loop.

If your overclocks will not be high, you're good with the cooling assembly passively cooling, though just make sure you have an airflow going across the VRM's.

I don't plan on really overclocking. at least not until I decide to do a custom loop. Decided to get the MB as I got it brand new for under $299.99 So I should worry much about the VRM cool only if I'm Overclocking?
I don't plan on really overclocking. at least not until I decide to do a custom loop. Decided to get the MB as I got it brand new for under $299.99 So I should worry much about the VRM cool only if I'm Overclocking?
It has big enough heatsyncs that the VRM temps will be fine even with liquid cooling. Also, case fans will help VRM temps.

You can use whatever cooling you like with this board. If you aren't overclocking you probably can get by with a decent air cooler for pretty much any compatible CPU.
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