Question Can you identify the part?

Mar 12, 2019
Hey guys,

First post. Been building for a long time, but also my first build in a long time. Build is -

Dark Rock Pro 4
Gigabyte Z390 ultra
RTX 2080
16GB Corsair LPX Vengeance Ram
750w EVGA gold PSU

When running cables yesterday (specifically the CPU power) I was attempting to plug the cable in, and when I shifted, I knocked a square shaped “thing” off the motherboard. It has R30 and some random string of letters and numbers.

After some research I think I’ve determined it’s a choke or inductor. Anyone want to try and confirm this? Also can anyone try and help determine what it does on the board? (It’s located next to CPU 12v_2x4) above VRM heatsink.

I am RMAing the board, but if it’s not an important part and I can boot, I’d love to test other parts (to see if I have to RMA other parts as well)

TL;DR - I messed up and want to know what this part is and does.
It is a choke. It is part of the power delivery to the CPU on the motherboard. I wouldn't boot it without it... if it would even boot at all.

If I would have to guess it is being used to filter incoming power to the CPU. Without it in line the CPU would either get no power or dirty power, neither of which is optimal.
That’s what I was concerned about. Thanks I appreciate the advice. I’ll wait for the RMA to get here on Thursday.

Had been hoping it was something to do with the onboard HDMI since that was next to it. But I had a feeling with placement that it was CPU
That’s what I was concerned about. Thanks I appreciate the advice. I’ll wait for the RMA to get here on Thursday.

Had been hoping it was something to do with the onboard HDMI since that was next to it. But I had a feeling with placement that it was CPU

Have Gigabyte accepted an RMA when you've (essentially) ripped a component off a board? I'd be shocked if they didn't at least attempt to put this back on you.
While I won't advocate lying to manufacturers - I would suggest pleading ignorance. Stick with "this board doesn't work" and nothing else. Let them inspect etc, and see how you fare.
Have Gigabyte accepted an RMA when you've (essentially) ripped a component off a board? I'd be shocked if they didn't at least attempt to put this back on you.
While I won't advocate lying to manufacturers - I would suggest pleading ignorance. Stick with "this board doesn't work" and nothing else. Let them inspect etc, and see how you fare.

I wouldn’t say ripped off. I hardly touched it and it fell off. Either way I originally ordered through Amazon and contacted them saying the item was damaged and they are replacing it.
I wouldn’t say ripped off. I hardly touched it and it fell off. Either way I originally ordered through Amazon and contacted them saying the item was damaged and they are replacing it.
I didn't mean to imply you forcefully ripped it off - I just meant that it was on when you received it, then it was off after you touched it. Retailers/Manufacturers would love to put that back on you (hence the ignorance advice). It does sound like it was barely secured to begin with though.

Amazon should be no hassle at all.
Is the part itself phyically damaged in appearance? Could have been from poor wetting solder condition. The SMT pads and traces don't appear to be lifted or damaged on the board pic, just the solder remnants from where part came off. You could likely fix it yourself with a cheap solder iron and a bit of flux core if this is the case. Work with circuit boards for a living. To check though, it looks like the pad on the right may be lifted a bit, looks like a shadow underneath showing.
I was considering that as well it looks like it could be easily soldered back on.

Since amazon was great and actually sent the replacement same day I figured I wouldn’t bother. The replacement should be here by tonight.

Works out since the rest of my build arrives tonight as well.
OK. That is great CS on there end. Had my own great situation from them a few weeks ago CS related..about fell out of my chair, lol. Anyways, hope all goes well with the replacement and build in general. Keep us posted with the build, and if possible, pics are always a plus. Always like to see builds and layouts folks on here come up with.
Well the replacement board came in late last night (6-7p) after dinner. I disassembled and CAREFULLY reassembled all the parts. Fired her up and she works wonders. Granted coming from a Mac and Linux based house this is the first Windows box I’ve built since... 08-09?

I didn’t realize how difficult it was to create a Win 10 USB boot disk on a non windows machine. Maybe I was just tired. Anyways after about 2-3 hours of trying different things I finally got her installed and booted up. Installed drivers and everything was running great!

This morning I got up and finished installing drivers and programs and what not. Decided I was happy with the build for the time being and was gonna put the glass cover on the case and call her done...

(This is the part where I question if I’m a bit cursed or just kinda unlucky.)

I set the glass very gently on the rail and go to like up the holes on the rubber grommets. And before I can even shift. The whole side shatters into a thousand pieces.

Makes me wonder if the amazon distribution center or a truck got a little “handsie” with the boxes.

Either way, no one was hurt, glass is all cleaned up and NZXT is shipping out a new glass side.
Nice build :) Clean setup and should run great for you for a long time. Plenty of PC horsepower there. Any OC plans for 9900K? Either way, it's a beast. So is 2080 for that matter and everything else. Thanks for the pics, but sorry to hear about the glass panel. I see the mess, but they should have you fixed up in no time.
Thanks! Yeah I have some plans to play with overclocking, but nothing to crazy. Think i may try and take the 9900 up to 5ghz and let it be. I'll use the computer for some graphic and video work when i need the horsepower ( i have an 2017 iMac that is my main work computer). Happy to see i ran the FFXV Benchmark with my stock setup and got Fairly High with all settings maxed and running at 4k. Needless to say, I'm a happy camper.