[SOLVED] Can't get my Ryzen 5 3600 of turbo boost. What's the issue?


May 27, 2019
Hello y'all, i've been woried for some time now because my cpu is always turbo-ing. Even if i put it off in the bios it will still turbo. I have this since that i upgraded my motherboard, ram and cpu. Specs here:
  • Msi b450 gaming plus max
  • Ryzen 5 3600
  • ddr4 16gb 3200mhz corsair vengeance
I used to have my old cpu on turbo, but i don't think that makes any difference because I already resetted Windows and changed the power plan. My bios is saying it is 3.6ghz but in windows taskmanager says it, and speccy says it also. You can always ask me questions if needed. Thanks!
It's fixed, for the people that have this issue. Update your bios that supports AMD AGESA ComboAm4PI Msi just realesed this and now it stays under 3.6ghz! Thanks.