Cardexpert Geforce2 mx Help Please!!!



I have a Asus P5A mobo,SBLive value, 192mb ram, SMC NIC, K6-2 500mhz (not overclocked), and the cardexpert Geforce2 mx card also not overclocked.

My Problem is that the system always crashes when I play any kind of game D3D or OpenGl. I have the new agp drivers 1.69e, DirectX 8, bios rev. 1007.A, and also the Det3 ref. drivers 6.31. I've tried all the driver releases from the 5.XX to the 7.xx and directx 7.0a. Nothing seems to work. I've contacted the video card maker but they don't seem to know what exactly is going on. I took the card back to the store and got a new one thinking I had a faulty card, but it happened with that one to. I even contacted some of the game makers Blizzard, Id software, and Epic, everybody had ideas to try but nothing worked for there specific games. I can only get games to run in software mode if they have that option. I've reinstalled my OS win98, drivers and directx hundreds of times, even from completely wipeing the system out and doing a fresh intall.

I'm thinking it's just a mobo incompatibillity but I'm not for sure. Thanks for any help.



That's a shame, looks like quite a nice board you got there. Unfortunately the ALi chipsets never really shape up to be as reliable and durable as others. ALi has often been a cheaper alternative for manufacturors and never seems to offer good performance in my opinion.

You can keep trying to get support from Asus about the issue. I'm pretty sure that its the mainboard that isn't quite cutting it.

If you wanted to spash out you could go for a cheap P3 550 and switch your mainboard. If you go for an Athlon then you may end up changing memory as well. Good luck!


Dec 31, 2007
If you motherboard supports it try upping your I/O(NOT CORE) voltage from the default 3.3 volts to 3.5 volts. This solved some instabilities i was having with the hercules gefroce2 mx. All the geforce2 cards like the 3.5 voltage due to their above average power consumption


Dec 31, 2007
Upping the voltage should be a last resort. Besides, it didn't work for me anyway.
Make sure there are no cards in your first PCI slot next to the AGP card. Then rearrange all of your cards so that there are no devices sharing IRQs in either the bios or the device manager. Try and put the SB Live in the last PCI slot and put the NIC in PCI slot 2. Also, in device manager, disable SB16 emulation (you don't need it), this will free up an IRQ for ya.
Remember, no IRQ sharing, even if it says no conflicts, it still could be bad, especially with AGP cards, SB Live cards, and network cards.


I just want to thank all who replied to my post, my system is working great now. THANKS EVERYONE!!!

It was the voltage jumper on my mobo that did the trick.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Shadowtech on 11/17/00 00:46 AM.</EM></FONT></P>