CD Burning and W2k



This is a question asked alot on the boards and I'm going to ask it again. I know that there is some kind of problem with buring CD's under W2k. I have used ECDC and Nero with no success. I have had people tell me 'It's ECDC, the program is crap!' and the same thing has been said about Nero. I have a duel boot system (Win98 and W2k). PIII 500 IWill board BD100, AHA-2930B SCSI, and Yamaha CDRW6416 writer. I have tried all of the patches I can find for W2k - ECDC patches, SCSI dirvers, ASPI dirvers. zip, nada, zilch. I can boot up in Win98 and burn CD's all day long with out a problem. This doesn't help me much though - I have 40Gb of storage and all but 5GB is NTFS. I just finished a catalog project at home and had 14GB of Highres images I had to burn to CD for the printer. I had to copy 3GB to the Win98 partion, reboot, burn the CD's, reboot and repeat. I hate this workaround. ECDC, being the program that it is, will only tell me that it created a nice shinny coffee coaster. Nero is a little more informative and gives me ASPI errors. I have all of the latest drivers and patches if anyone could come up with a better solution I would kiss your virtual feet.


Hmmm, I dunno, I use WinOnCD 3.7 with Yamaha CRW8824E under Win2k, no problems whatsoever...


I use a Ricoh 6x2x2 SCSI burner under Windows 2000 and I have had no problems whatsoever. I only use CDRWIN 3.7e because it works like a dream and there's no crap to put up with like on Easy Cd Creator 4.

Try this if you haven't already..

Install Easy Cd Creator 4 if you can get it, that will install ALL necessary and compatible drivers/updates/apsi stuff for you. CDR-Win always works great after installing that. Make sure you got SP1 installed, that may help.

If you can't get Creator 4 then go then add hardware manually in the add/remove hardware wizard. Choose any Adaptec SCSI adapter from the list and install it.

Then go to the Adaptec website and download the latest aspi drivers which will happily install provided you have an adaptec piece of software or a SCSI adapter :)

I can confirm that this works on Win98 and I think it should do on Win2k as well. Worth a try..good luck!


I have Smard-and-Friendly X4 CD writer, Adaptec 2904 PCI SCSI adaptor and EasyCD 4.02 on Windows 2000 and it works fine for me.
Which version of EasyCD are you using ? I know that only 4.0 and later support Windows 2000. The same goes for Nero - only version 5.0 and later will work with Windos 2000.
One more thing - it's not recommended to install more than one CDR software on the same machine because of drivers issue. Try to uninstall both Nero and EasyCD and then install just one of them, let's say EasyCD and finally - try to burn some CD in lower speed, X2 for example.
Let me know if any of these helped ... :)


Nero has always worked great for me. What software always worked the best for backups? NERO People who use NERO need to read what all the functions are for before they start burning. Ive had CD's that WinOnCd couldnt burn that burnt fine on Nero.


Dec 31, 2007
EZ CD Creator 3.x works on W2K also. I've used it on my machine with a Ricoh 6x4x24. Nero works great also. Both of these require the updated ASPI drivers. EZ CD Creator 4.0 needs an update to work with W2K, otherwise it shut my machine down. I believe it was update 4.02 that was required, but you should check the web site.. I also know that direct CD interfers with some applications also..


Dec 31, 2007
I've had an HP 9110i work in Win2000 with both Adaptec Easy CD Creator and Nero.

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