CD Rom networking


Aug 3, 2001
I was wondering if any knows how to read a cd rom over a network as a internal drive, so as to be able to play a game that requires the cd. maybe even set it up to plug in to a hub its self, Independent of a computer. Plese give feedback tired of fighting the kids over the cd's. I like to play too.
I have done that. but a game will not reconize it as a cd drive. or at least I couldn't get it too. but thank you for your reply.
really guys, I would really like to set up a cd rom on my home network so as any computer thinks that the cd rom is its own. Not a networked drive, or virtual drive. I have thought maybe USB pluged into a 10/100 port sharing device with some type of adapter, so as the computer thinks its a external USB drive. (Oh I have never used an external UBS cd rom drive before, Dose a computer reconise it as a cd drive the same as an internal.) If I think any possibily of combinations will work I will invest in the hardware.
So rack your brain. What you think.