
so i am in the market to crossfire my rig and i believe my best option is to crossfire the 6950 i have now. its a 1gb model but that shouldnt be a problem if i crossfire with a 2gb card ill just be using 1gb though i believe. if there are better options then im all ears cause right now i have to buy a new psu along with it.

if there is a better option then crossfiring two 6950s im all ears but it needs to be under 300 dollars and do much better then a single 6950.

but heres my main question. what psu to get? as of right now i have a 500 watts psu which "Should" be able to power it but its way to close to try and i only have two pcie connectors so i need to buy a new psu for the upgrade.

im looking at this one from silverstone ]
this xfx

or anything under 80-90 dollars before rebates

im sure we can find something suitable.
Yeah I agree with you on that one for sure. I just have to give you all the pro's and con's so you can have a wide view of everything before you pull the trigge. This way when you make your choice.

You do it with good knowledge of everything. Good luck with your two 6950 cards and I hope they live up to what they are a very good card. Cheers


If you want to CF then the XFX one would be the one to go with since it is recommended to have a 650w PSU to CF both of those cards. They say the new GTX 660 Ti is out and will be hitting the stores very soon.

I believe the price is $299.99 for it anyway that is what I read. Here are a couple of other ideas. a HD 7850 which is just a tad bit better the 6950. It is under your $300 budget.

Or you could go with the 7870 which is a lot better than the 6950 but the cost is at $300 to about $320. I will link you to everything. So good luck to you.

HD 7850

HD 7870

6950 vs 7850

6950 vs 7870



heres the thing though and correct me if i am wrong but none of those are better then cf'ed 6950s. right?


No you are not wrong so here is the numbers for the 6950 CF just compair or write them down. You will see that the 6950 is better. The thing I was trying to say or suggest to you.

Instead of going the CF way with the older cards when you could get a newer card that is better and then save up for another newer card. So you stay caught up. You left your first post.

Kind of open for a suggeston and that was what I was doing giving you another suggestion and showing you as well. But I see now you were wanting to CF no matter what. I do apologize for that.

I hope you get a good 6950 and it works just the way you want which I know it will they are very good cards and with the new drivers out it should work better than before. I do wish you the best of luck.




yeah 95% of the time i would also recommend staying up on tech like you said but i just got my first job and most of my money goes to student loans but in a few months they will be paid of and i will look into a 7970/7950 then.


Those two card are even better than the ones I listed. I am glad you have a job into day's problems and I totally under stand about bills first. I am disabled and I have to get by on nothing.

I use to make 4 times what I get now. But anyway check them out and if you use my links to the bench mark you can input the cards and check them out. One more thing AMD's new drivers has made the 7970's out do nVidias 680.

So the bench marks are a little behind for the AMD cards. Good luck to you.



after a little research it appears that cf 6950's are a little better then a single 7970. so for me to be able to upgrade to cf 6950's for $260 and get 7970 performance isnt bad.


Yeah I agree with you on that one for sure. I just have to give you all the pro's and con's so you can have a wide view of everything before you pull the trigge. This way when you make your choice.

You do it with good knowledge of everything. Good luck with your two 6950 cards and I hope they live up to what they are a very good card. Cheers