[SOLVED] Changing IP Ranges?


Oct 11, 2014

I just moved house and when I did I bought a new router as the one I was using was about 10 years old. What I didn't think about at the time was that my server box is set to a static IP ( but the new range provided by my new Asus router is Is there anyway I can change this to include the original ip address? I don't have easy access to the box as I don't currently have a monitor with a port compatible with the box, and I can order an adapter if necessary but I would rather not if I can get away with it. Networking really isn't my area so thank you for any help!
You could always change the static IP of the server box, but that aside, your new ASUS router should have an admin web page that would allow you to set a new IP Range.

-Wolf sends
You could always change the static IP of the server box, but that aside, your new ASUS router should have an admin web page that would allow you to set a new IP Range.

-Wolf sends

I know that is an option but wouldn't that require access to the physical box? Like I said I cannot do this as I have no way of connecting a monitor right now. Although this would be an easier solution if there is another way of doing this.

I have tried looking in the admin portal but I do not know what to change. Like I said I am new to networking and I am hesitant to change something without a decent idea that I will work.

For anyone who finds this in the future the way I was able to make it work, is to change the IP address of your router to the base you need. So I needed 192.168.0.~~~ but it was 192.168.50.~~~, So I changed my routers ip from, to, this then promped the new range to start from up to Thank you for your help!
For anyone who finds this in the future the way I was able to make it work, is to change the IP address of your router to the base you need. So I needed 192.168.0.~~~ but it was 192.168.50.~~~, So I changed my routers ip from, to, this then promped the new range to start from up to Thank you for your help!
This was the way to fix it, but you've got one problem in your setup--IP could still be assigned by the dhcp server. So limit the range from to If you get to 140+ devices, you'll have bigger problems than just one box's static IP. 😉