I don't see any reviews or anything. It's probably bad for a 360mm but it's definitely better than either of the other options here. For the price, though, I would actually suggest getting a high end air cooler like the Noctua NH-D15 or the BeQuiet Dark Rock Pro 4. Both of which will probably outperform that 360mm.
There's also the NH D15S if you worry about ram clearance, which is basically an NH-D15 but without the front fan. And the NH D14 if you don't want such a large heatsink.
If your case can't accommodate such a large tower cooler, or you just don't like how it looks, then you can go with the 360mm rad, but it will probably perform worse than the large tower coolers
That said, all this isn't really necessary if you're just going to run your 2600X stock. Unless you plan on overclocking, you could get by just fine with a mid range cooler like the NH U12S or the Dark Rock 4 (NOT Pro 4, just 4). Temps and noise would be low, and still perform better than the 120mm radiator or the arctic freezer 33.