Check it out, Cheap computer stuff

Archived from groups: comp.sys.hp.hardware (More info?)

I would hope you get really good prices since you own the place. It appears
though that for the rest of us, the prices aren't so good. As an example,
you are listing an AMD Athlon XP 3000, 333 FSB, Retail Box for $179.99. I
can get the same processor at for $146 with free 2nd day

Due to an excessive amount of spam, if you want to send me an e-mail put
eniplA in the subject if you want me to see it.

"mr_computer_pro" <> wrote in message
> Hey everyone, I thought I’d tell you about this place I got my AGP Card
> from. I got a 256MB ATI Radeon for $106.00
> Go to and check out all the nice
> stuff he has for really good prices.