China Expects to Compete with Intel, in 20 Years

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BTW, the same can be said of cars. China will become the world's largest producer of automobiles and will do so without ever selling a single car in america.
[citation][nom]jdamon113[/nom]China. taking credit from US companies and coping them.Good to know in 20 years the world will be gone. So will F*(*( commie china.Made in China Sucks. If you your Chineese and reading this. Kiss my ass.[/citation]
ur definitely retarded and therefore should keep ur mouth shut , ok kid?
developing ideas? apparently you don't understand how a super computer works...the hardware is available, its the programming and interface communications between all the cpus that is innovative, and they did it. Again China has a 4000+years of innovation, if they did not innovate; they would have ceased to exist a long time ago. They really need to teach Asian history in American schools, too many people are speaking out of ignorance filling in the blanks when the truth is already readily available to any person who wishes to know.

China holds the most U.S. bonds by the way, and they sell a lot to the U.S. So what if they are successful in the East, why in all that makes economic sense; would they not want to sell to the U.S.?

G.M. was leader too...but being on top means being on top of your game. If you feel too arrogant and feel nothing can touch you then you become stagnant. Keep building the same stuff and expect that will be enough since you are G.M. or Intel. Competition drives innovation; and China is more capitalistic than the U.S. PURE Capitalism is make and sell; IN PURE Capitalism there are no unions, worker rights, weekends, insurance, etc...

And they have a dire need to be competitive because they got 1 billion people to manage...
[citation][nom]elusion11[/nom]one of the few countries that did not experience an economic crisis during the past few years – businesses are booming in China as we speak, [/citation]

Since its cheap as hell to do business in a country that has poor quality for employees all countries move their business there. With every major country moving all of their production to a single country its no doubt your economy is booming. Really has little to do with anything else other then that. Pull all the worlds business out of china and where it belongs and china would feel the pinch just as bad as everyone else. They aren't doing anything special other then having such low quality standards for their employees then the rest of the advanced world.

[citation][nom]omnimodis78[/nom]I guess Taiwan (Republic of China), isn't relevant in that field, right? Dude, everything in your computer IS from China!!![/citation]

Its sure as hell not designed there. They design a bunch of stuff here but when it comes to it being made they take it to the slave grounds to have it built so it costs them nothing. And with the world free trade thing its cheaper to have it shipped back here and screw the citizens of this country out of a job to have people in other countries get equally screwed.

Honestly i think if your going to have free and open trade with other countries i don't care who it is honestly I'm not against china being a major player or going up against our tech. Its better for everyone, however There should be standards with these countries. They should all have standards on how employees are treated pay work conditions among other things. I'm not against any country regardless of the country I'm in. We are making a buck so a country and abuse its people can make a buck and treat its people poorly.

China is a country that needs labor unions. Even though I'm totally against them in the united states places like china need them. Its to bad the government wouldn't ever allow such a thing to happen.
Isn't XFX a Chinese company? (either mainland China or Hong Kong, and not Republic of China/Taiwan like most of the other East Asian tech companies)

So yeh they make a lot of low quality junk but they do make some good stuff sometimes...
[citation][nom]omnimodis78[/nom]You know you're talking nonsense - not to mention, if the Americans are so great at everything, then you have nothing to worry about. Sadly, what exactly are the Americans superior in? Please let me know. Oh right, computer stuff right? Hmm...I guess Taiwan (Republic of China), isn't relevant in that field, right? Dude, everything in your computer IS from China!!![/citation]

China does make a lot of crap. They use inferior materials, and everything is just of inferior quality.

What does America excel at: high-end audio, speakers, chemicals of every type needed for medicine and industry, steel (China steel sucks), machinery of all types, heavy construction equipment, advertising, Hollywood, rock-n-roll, jazz, the blues, quality clothing/shoes, outdoor equipment, military equipment, missiles, and the list goes on. China and Taiwan may put together a lot of our products for us, but us American's are the ones that provide the design and the need for them to manufacture such.
[citation][nom]Yoder54[/nom]China does make a lot of crap. They use inferior materials, and everything is just of inferior quality. What does America excel at: high-end audio, speakers, chemicals of every type needed for medicine and industry, steel (China steel sucks), machinery of all types, heavy construction equipment, advertising, Hollywood, rock-n-roll, jazz, the blues, quality clothing/shoes, outdoor equipment, military equipment, missiles, and the list goes on. China and Taiwan may put together a lot of our products for us, but us American's are the ones that provide the design and the need for them to manufacture such.[/citation]

Yoder speaks the truth. How would China even be able to make a super computer with out companies such as Intel and Nvdia? Intel and Nvidia are American design but are manufactured in China for cheaper costs under US quality standards. The people who are bashed American on this boards are stereotyping Americans. US has the top universities and most scientific research of all nations and carries the most Nobel prizes. China is known to copy others scientific research and cheat in school. China is a brainwashed nation of cheating hackers. The US can decimated China with its hackers and technological edge. Japan is on US side and knows the true US who lead technology and democracy.
This is what happens when you have an entire generation of men who are likely to never get laid.
[citation][nom]bondnumber[/nom]They actually have access to a lot of our "classified" tech through an extensive spy network rivaled only by the russians. They have weapon secrets like much our nuclear arsenal and submarine tech. Infact when the stealth fighter was shot down chinese spys were paying farmers for little pieces.[/citation]

Oops, no edit, I copied the wrong quote:

Actually, I just read an article on the Chinese stealth fighter (and the Russian one also)...the speculation is that they reverse engineered it from a downed F-117 that was shot down during the conflict in Kosovo some years back.

[citation][nom]11796pcs[/nom]Hmm, look what AMD was producing in 1991 think this is a legitimate threat though. All China has to do is reverse-engineer all of the processors on the market and they're in business. What I believe China will do is undercut Intel and AMD by making extremely cheap low-performance processors that will ruin Intel and AMD's foothold in the normal non-entusiast market (ex. my parents who don't know anything about computers and would just buy the cheapest thing out there). This can only mean bad because as China starts pulling the rug out from underneath Intel and AMD they will pull their focus away from high-end processors and try to battle China (a battle they will inevitably lose because 1. They aren't countries and 2. They won't be able to sell products as cheap). The next 20 years will be a very interesting time in history in which I will be looking at through my fingers.[/citation]

Companies will have a new target to sue for patent breaches 😉
So America had its time, colonizing the Phillipines, and what is the U.S. Virgin Islands? And how did we get Hawaii? Who did we strip Hawaii from? Please Please, We have no right to talk about worker stand on the broken backs of all those who suffered for America development and you are suddenly so high and mighty saying this or that about another country? Quite frankly, I think this is all about the fact that many here realize that they are not developing new tech or helping keep jobs here. No one is dragging high tech jobs to other countries. American companies are free to stay here. And you are free to not buy that next board or graphics card.

Quite frankly, if you cared. Stop buying things from China. If it bothers you that much just stop buying.

If you are really bothered why don't you go to school and compete with all the Asian kids in China and Asia. Or why don't you pitch awesome ideas and bring these Companies back. You do know many of the products you rip on are U.S. made products just made in China. So who should you rip on? Again, no one is forcing these companies to leave and no one is forcing the millions of Americans buying these products.

Everyone is ripping on China, but despite Vietnam; WHEN DID CHINA EVER ATTACK ANOTHER COUNTRY? OR WHEN DID CHINA EVER HAVE A CONFLICT WITH ANOTHER COUNTRY? (Tibet is contested) (But hey remember the United States colonized the Phillipines-basically stole Hawaii) DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY CHINA is a PERMANENT MEMBER of the UN security council?

Do YOU PEOPLE EVEN KNOW WHY WE PRODUCE STUFF IN TAIWAN??? If you did you would NOT embarrass yourself here with amazingly ignorant comments. You are demonizing a country with the amazing passion that comes from ignorance. But you do it from a comfort zone of a history of killing and enslaving an entire race to build up your economy, and almost committing genocide against the Native Americans, and yes, basically colonizing America.

Besides just complaining about why things are made in China, Educate yourself on why things are made in China. They did not force anyone to go there to do business, nor are they forcing you to buy that motherboard or graphics card. Stop backseat driving and do something about it if it bothers you. But all these ignorant and repetitive posts from people who do not even know the basics of the situation is very non informative and only shows your ignorance or racism or blind emotion.
Also America is no innocent when it comes to reverse egineering or stealing tech, most reverse egineering comes from messing around with tech just enough to call it your own...U.S. car companies did it with Variable Valve Timming.

Every country is guilty of that. But like I said what most don't get is that what the issue is that Americans have access to the most free society and free education but all you can do is complain and demonize another country. Again American history is pretty bloody, killing Native Americans so they could colonize this land. Demonizing the Native Americans they killed. Demonizing the Africans they bought and enslaved...

You now have access to all the CHEAT rewards that your ancestors gave you. Good standard of living and good education and good society. Lets see if you can string together a bunch of Nvidea gpus and Intel cpus to make a better supercomputer than China. If you cared do it. People who complain are just lazy losers. If you don't want to lose find a way to be competitive. HUNGRY BEATS FAT anytime. They are more hungry than you. And they will find a way to make it, better up the competition.

strangely enough i believe it will be the downfall of China and India too, yeah all nice with the western bashing and all but given the chance do you think China/India will not make the same mistakes. China/India society is based upon saving face, it ensures overconfidence and ignorance, i have found Asian cultures display the same level of bigotry as western cultures, more so in some cases and thats coming from an asian


because china came up with the idea of using GPU in a super computer...... get real, china will sell her soul to the highest bidder, the future is not based upon country of origin or ethnic background, the future is based upon the color of your money, china does not strive to feed her people, she strives to make a very select few rich, her people just like the farmlands that once supported and reared her will be laid to waste on the side road all for the sake of industrial and technological progression

china may demonize the west and the west demonize china but reality dictates they are both in bed together
What is it with you guys talking about crappy chinese product? you guys just don't get it that almost everything in IT today is made from Asia, and one GIANT part of that is China (yeah, that country with 1 Billion plus people).
China can make everything from low tech things (needles, nails, spoons) to high tech (Rockets, Nuclear Power Plant, Chips).
doesn't matter whether it's copy and paste.

just go to the market today, and look at everything there. i bet you can read "Made in China" in everything.

if suddenly China stop exporting their products, then we (the rest of the world) will suffer.

think about it!
[citation][nom]hexiv[/nom]Oops, no edit, I copied the wrong quote:Actually, I just read an article on the Chinese stealth fighter (and the Russian one also)...the speculation is that they reverse engineered it from a downed F-117 that was shot down during the conflict in Kosovo some years back.See[/citation]

Seriously... That is exactly what I said. There is only one stealth fighter so the F-117 is implied and there was only one F-117 every shot down so I thought the events in Kosovo were implied.
Everyone is ripping on China, but despite Vietnam; WHEN DID CHINA EVER ATTACK ANOTHER COUNTRY? OR WHEN DID CHINA EVER HAVE A CONFLICT WITH ANOTHER COUNTRY? (Tibet is contested) (But hey remember the United States colonized the Phillipines-basically stole Hawaii) DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY CHINA is a PERMANENT MEMBER of the UN security council?

Do YOU PEOPLE EVEN KNOW WHY WE PRODUCE STUFF IN TAIWAN??? If you did you would NOT embarrass yourself here with amazingly ignorant comments. You are demonizing a country with the amazing passion that comes from ignorance. But you do it from a comfort zone of a history of killing and enslaving an entire race to build up your economy, and almost committing genocide against the Native Americans, and yes, basically colonizing America.

Talk about ignorance, your lack of knowledge about your own history amazes me. LOL I love the comment about Tibet being "contested". Human rights violations in China are rivaled only by your neighbor N. Korea. Funny you mention historical colonization and the plight of native Americans when your government treats its citizens to this day as poorly.
more competition is a good thing.

surprised to see lots of westerners bitching about chinese products. the people who say the chinese are not innovative are ignorant. im not going to go in details. just remember when westerners are still trying to figure out how to use fire, the chinese already have a complex writing system. who cares if america is good at making cpus and what not. your country is broke as hell. one thing america is not smart with is using money the dumbasses that run the country. when the chinese president came to visit the white house awhile back, Obama was pretty much licking Hu's shoes. Never underesimate other countries are capible of. maybe 30 years ago, china was a piece of crap. but times has changed. before you talk crap about china, why don't you pay china back the 2 trillion you owe them.
I believe this is a controversial news or story. As an IC start-up design house in China, we are trying our best to catch up with US. and Europe companies. We know how much we lag behind. But we are more and more close each year. We believe that our chip is 1 generation (18months) behind the best in the world at the moment. Can catch up to 0.5 generation by the end of this year, this is for meet-to products. However, we are much worse at product definition, not even close in business model and eco-system. And another constrain is the political uncertainty. We are quite worry about this. If China can setup a democratic and legal system, I sure the mission can be achieved. 1.3billion hard working people in China, anyway.
Hey, I’m no Chinese hater for that matter I’m not any nation hater. It’s not a secret anymore, we all know that China has been doing whatever they want to do, stealing many things just not technology, and they know that as a country it has no sole (I’m sure there’re many Chinese don’t like what the government is doing, and you know democracy is very limited in China, but one day they will have a better democracy because it is inevitable). On the other hand, USA is not just one race or just one anything, we are united as us the Americans and the world knows that we have a great sole as a country. For some of you, maybe it is just bullshit what I just said, but that is the truth. And it seems like some people don’t know that China has major problems inside the doors, maybe its own people don’t even know that and that is how China runs things, it just how it is, and some of you don’t understand simple economy either. Read back what you said.

Going back to the topic; we knew this is going to happen sooner than later, and we welcome the new cpus. By 2020 it is going to be the Exascale computing age for super computers, so most companies and governments of the world will have a tough time competing with each other. For the regular consumer, we will see Chinese made desktop cpus soon.

At the end, anybody can copy anything from anybody, but you cannot copy the SOLE. If you did, it won’t be the same.
Chinese people in charge of Chinese companies put plastic in the milk they sold to their own Chinese people and put plastic in the dogfood and catfood they sold to Americans. All the Chinese multi-millionaire and billionaire oligarchs got their positions by their crooked connections with corrupt Chinese government officials. I remember Tianamen Square when the Chinese tanks crushed their own people. I remember the Chinese army crushing Tibet. I remember the Chinese army crushing the Indian army in their border war. I remember the Chinese government threatening to invade and conquer Taiwan. I remember the Chinese government holding American airmen hostage after a Chinese fighter plane hit an American reconnaissance plane outside Chinese airspace. I remember Chinese toy companies sending our children toys painted with and made with lead. So, until China becomes a democracy that respects the human rights of its people and of people who are not Chinese, I say F-U to China and I won't buy your CPU now or 20 years from now unless it can do everything I need a CPU to do and it costs me $1 at the Dollar Store. Then, maybe I'll consider it.
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