[citation][nom]omnimodis78[/nom]You know you're talking nonsense - not to mention, if the Americans are so great at everything, then you have nothing to worry about. Sadly, what exactly are the Americans superior in? Please let me know. Oh right, computer stuff right? Hmm...I guess Taiwan (Republic of China), isn't relevant in that field, right? Dude, everything in your computer IS from China!!![/citation]
China does make a lot of crap. They use inferior materials, and everything is just of inferior quality.
What does America excel at: high-end audio, speakers, chemicals of every type needed for medicine and industry, steel (China steel sucks), machinery of all types, heavy construction equipment, advertising, Hollywood, rock-n-roll, jazz, the blues, quality clothing/shoes, outdoor equipment, military equipment, missiles, and the list goes on. China and Taiwan may put together a lot of our products for us, but us American's are the ones that provide the design and the need for them to manufacture such.