
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)

I need assistance regarding locating and sending/retrieving information from
the "Clipboard". I am trying to install a program that wants me to send a
message to the clipboard using (Ctrl-A + Ctrl C), open the registration
dialog in XXXXXX program, and press "From message..." to fill out the fields.
I have searched FAQ's and Kelly's Korners, but I still can't locate and
understand what this program wants to load it and install it.
Thanks for any assistance or suggestions.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?)


The Clipboard is a special place that Windows uses to store items you have

For example, in the keyboard sequence you described, you pressed Ctrl+A to
select All the text being viewed in the active Window. Then when you
pressed Ctrl+C, that highlighted text was copied to the Clipboard.

It sounds like that in program XXXXXX there is a field named "From
message..." After you have used the Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C keystrokes to
capture the original information, place your cursor in the input area beside
the "From message..." prompt and press Ctrl+V. That will Paste what is in
the Clipboard into that area.

Note that the Clipboard is always running in the background, so there is no
need for you to manually load or run anything to have those Copy/Paste
options available to you. If you ever want to see just what is in the
Clipboard, you can open the Clipboard Viewer by typing this on the Start/Run
line: clipbrd.exe





Amber wrote:
> I need assistance regarding locating and sending/retrieving information
> from the "Clipboard". I am trying to install a program that wants me to
> send a message to the clipboard using (Ctrl-A + Ctrl C), open the
> registration dialog in XXXXXX program, and press "From message..." to
> fill out the fields. I have searched FAQ's and Kelly's Korners, but I
> still can't locate and understand what this program wants to load it and
> install it. --------------
> Thanks for any assistance or suggestions.
> Amber