Matt Booth :
Cloudflare did the right thing and the subject shouldn't even be up for discussion.
The mentality of, "This is right/wrong and there's no room for any discussion whatsoever," is quite perilous as the line of what's acceptable and not for a society can change quite fast. You never know when you'll be on the "wrong" side of the line, and when you do you'll need to face all the barricades you help set up.
Matt Booth :
They refused service to actual Nazis. There's no grey area. They stopped white supremacists from having a platform and did the world a favour.
This same basic argument has been used throughout history, sometimes with devastating effects. "I find that person's/group's ideas repugnant so therefore they shouldn't have the same rights as me." Be very careful what you wish for. Voltaire's friend's principle is even more important today. "I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
Matt Booth :
What these people are doing goes beyond free speech and they should be imprisoned.
By your spelling "favour" I take it you're from Canada or UK. The concept of freedom of speech there is quite different from the First Amendment and laws in the USA. Unlike the UK, you literally can say almost whatever you like in the US without fear of gov't reprisal ( short of threatening the president and very few other things ). It doesn't matter how hateful, stupid, or morally wrong your opinion might be, you're allowed to express it. It's a very tricky thing to prove in court that a person was intending to incite violence or a riot and not just giving an impassioned speech.
The KKK and neo-Nazis have been marching, protesting, and demonstrating in the US for decades. They have the right to do so. And 99.999% of the time those demonstrations go off with no problems. Most of the time it's because they're ignored. This last rally had been under planning for a year and was advertised all across the USA. And the best they could draw was a few hundred people.
Matt Booth :
But there's nothing stopping the far right nazis from using another DDoS mitigation service, or creating their own.
Do you realize this was the same argument used in defense of the bakers, florists, and photographers? If it wasn't good enough back then, from a legal standpoint, why is it good enough now?
Matt Booth :
Cloudflare refusing service to a nazi group spreading hate messages that lead to deaths isn't an issue we should be worried about.
You'll have extreme difficulty proving that the people running the Daily Stormer were directly involved in or responsible for any deaths. The site has been up a long time. If there was anything there that was deemed inciteful and illegal, why was it not forcibly taken down and charges pressed years ago?
Joe Black :
Nobody was arrested so no wrong was done.
This is an incredibly short-sighted argument. Plenty of wrong things happen without anyone getting arrested, and I'm not just talking political. People lose their jobs and livelihoods for unethical but not illegal reasons. Retirement and pension plans can be lost due to immoral company executives. Don't be so quick to embrace a principle just because one instance of it is on your preferred side.
Joe Black :
It's not much different from an employee being fired for posting hate speech on social media.
Actually there are some very distinct differences between this case and your example. A contract of employment is rather different from a contract of commercial service. Daily Stormer was paying Cloudflare, so in your instance, Daily Stormer would be the employer, not the other way round.
Joe Black :
They are being crybabies if they are crying foul now. They should get fox to give them a platform.
First, last, and only warning. Leave the ad hominems out of it. Neither Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or any other big media outlet has anything to do with it, so disparaging remarks about them are completely unnecessary.
coolitic :
Welp, Toms seems to enjoy testing the limits of what would be considered GRAPES or not.
On occasion there are some tech related stories that directly related to a GRAPES topic so the rules are ever so slightly suspended to allow discussion. During those times, the moderation team watches the thread
very carefully to ensure it doesn't go too far out of line.