Someone Somewhere :
I do not consider myself in the least bit right or alt-right.
Nor do I. The petty & divisive left/right labels & isms people have been duped into using to define/attack & quarrel among themselves with have done nothing to bring social cohesion to the US. Just the opposite.
Reynod said:
I agree some of the people posting in this thread are sympathetic ... and I think the "freedom of speech" disguise is wearing thin. Whilst you have a far right wing President I guess all of the loonies are free to roam.
Your sentence says it all in regards to any human who values basic freedoms, liberties & the right to never have honest debate on any issue or idea infringed upon. Just fyi, there's plenty of labels that'd accurately describe your commentary. "Unprofessional" for example, being extremely polite one. The idea we've a "far right wing President" is laughable. Guessing "all of the loonies are free to roam" is a blatant insult & yet another extremely unprofessional comment on your part, amply demonstrating your own extreme view toward Americans & freedom of speech in general. You have my condolences. Speaking in a way which assumes those in disagreement with you are in the vast minority, calling them "abrasive, insufferable, loonies", etc, only reflects your opinion. It has nothing to do with actual facts.
bit_user said:
I think the combination of ideas that "my group has the one, true way" and "that other group is the real enemy" is the sort of thinking that brings out the worst in humanity.
And I think your apparent application of that statement to others, again, when they've made it clear they don't support either group, brings out the worst in
you, when you attack & refuse to actually
listen to another person's position on any given matter, such as the one in this article.
bit_user said:
I hope you're not calling me an AntiFa apologist. I was just challenging you on the numbers of people who are really that extreme.
Intentionally or not, that's kinda' what you made yourself out to be. I actually
listened to your words & position, I made it clear that what I had to say about them wasn't opinion, but fact that can be easily confirmed by any willing to do basic research on them. You continued to ignore & assume, despite attempts to inform you of facts on both groups, despite attempts of trying to hint at what actually took place the other day.
bit_user said:
I don't care about AntiFa. I probably don't agree with a lot of their positions (do you know which or how many of their stated positions you disagree with?). What I do disagree with is singling-out, targeting, and scare-mongering against them or any other group. If they're as bad as you say they are, they'll get locked up and shut down pretty quickly. In either case, the "fight" should be one of ideas and should be conducted through discourse, the courts, and the ballot box.
Ya, that's our main problem, not caring about stuff we should. We're all guilty of it to some extent. And more or less yes on your question. As for the rest of your comment.. If only it were that simple. Do point out any industrialized nation where politics works in the way you mentioned on a daily basis, never mind here in the US. Any honest examples are few & far between, though it'd be nice to be reminded of them.
When the wealthiest, most influential people with the same agenda use their wealth, foundations, influence, along with unconventional methods, (what essentially amounts to assymetrical warfare against the state, in their favor or that of whomever they're actually representing), there's generally nothing to ever stop them. There are many powerful individuals, lobbies foreign & domestic, etc that prove this point beyond question. The astoundingly huge list of names involved with the military industrial complex as well as the number of overt/covert conflicts, regime change ops, economic hits all over the world throughout our history, provide more than enough factual evidence on the issue. The Koch bros are often used as a prime example, despite the fact they've little to nothing on the aforementioned.
Any who went to the tragedy @ Charlottesville the other day & bothered to ask either side to define their ideals, would've been faced by mostly paid actors clueless re wth they were asked. Many "AntiFa activists", brandishing their weps & masks, wouldn't have known where to start re communism, its tenets, the bourgeoisie, proletariat (or even capitalism for that matter), much less anything about Marx, Hegel, the dialectic, associated symbolism, etc. Same regarding many of the alleged "white supremacists", most likely clueless re Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Mussolini, Hitler, their philosophies, much less Nazism or symbolism eg bundled fasces or even the roots of the swastika. The one thing both might've had in common was possibly overlapping trips for both camps with the same rent a crowd agency...