Coalition idea



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I have been going over in my head ways to try and improve the

What about this, on planets with an Arerran Capital. A if a populations
happiness 95-100, a "Harvest Festival" takes place. Each Farm will give
an additional 5 MCs, And the growth rate for the population will become
130 (vs the normal 100).
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I agree with your points taken Gabor. I have played them a few times,

Take care,

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Why punish the players when happiness gets above 100?

(Max hapiness is 300 and min happiness is -300)

All races with > 80 happines = happiness times 1.5

0 < happiness < 100 = taxes collected *= happiness rating / 100. (95
happiness = only 95% normal taxes collected)

I'd sugest removing the upper happiness limit and greatly increasing
the min happiness needed.
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:
> Why punish the players when happiness gets above 100?
> (Max hapiness is 300 and min happiness is -300)
> All races with > 80 happines = happiness times 1.5
> 0 < happiness < 100 = taxes collected *= happiness rating / 100. (95
> happiness = only 95% normal taxes collected)
> I'd sugest removing the upper happiness limit and greatly increasing
> the min happiness needed.

My bad, for some reason I was thinking in %. I typed it fast (The whole
thing is full of typos, I was in a hurry.). So it would 240-Max get
this bonus.
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Like the idea. I would also bring back the AC income bonus for the
first 10 cities. Put in a command to kill the race special building.
Reduce the cost or change the tech order the special buildings are
built, better mesh with the ships list. Last I would add a resort to
the mix because enough of these and the race can run at complex tax and
it also increases population a little on the side too. Other wise I
like the race, fun to play minus the micro management issues.
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Perhaps I've overseen comments on the Coalition but...

Though I've played them only two times I've the feeling that a small income
gimmick would help them. Not much but something like

-the income doubling for the first ten cities if there is an AC like it was
before the last change and/or
-cost reduction for the three special buildings and/or
-tech level reduction/switch needed for the special buildings and/or

A part from this I would really like to see

-a better fit of the needed planetary levels for the special buildings to
the needed hull tech for the ships which can be built with the special
buildings (a subject which is really annoying, actually it makes no really
meaning to me)


X240 (HT1), needed Building: XH (800mc100sup) (PT3)
A.ICF (HT2), needed building: AC (800mc100sup) (PT4)
N.WCSS(HT3), needed building: NG (120mc10sup) (PT2)
N.ESV(HT4), nedded building: NG (PT2)

You are at HT1 in the beginning but you need a XH at PT3 to be able to build
thís hull.
The first special building you build is the NG now because the AC lost the
income boost from the firts ten cities. So at low PT you have to increase HT
to 4 to build the first interesting hull.

Either one gives the income doubling back to the AC or a switch in the tech
levels is needed.

And also the AC and XH could stand a cost reduction maybe somewhere to the
half of the actual prices.

-An easy way to replace special buildings maybe with a tear down base CC

It is really frustrating to have to rip down a full base or to have an ally
after for example a mineral world is empty. The XH then is wanted to be
replaced by an AC to take use from the med production. Or vice versa a world
which after a while has become a mineral rich world due to HD...

I think some of this changes would not only balance them but make them a
race which is can be played with much more game fun.

GFM GToeroe

<> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I have been going over in my head ways to try and improve the
> Coalition.
> What about this, on planets with an Arerran Capital. A if a populations
> happiness 95-100, a "Harvest Festival" takes place. Each Farm will give
> an additional 5 MCs, And the growth rate for the population will become
> 130 (vs the normal 100).

But any improvement would be fine for them....
Archived from groups: (More info?)

This would result in players building lots of smelters and similar buildings
and switching them on and off all the time..


<> wrote in message
>I have been going over in my head ways to try and improve the
> Coalition.
> What about this, on planets with an Arerran Capital. A if a populations
> happiness 95-100, a "Harvest Festival" takes place. Each Farm will give
> an additional 5 MCs, And the growth rate for the population will become
> 130 (vs the normal 100).
Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:
> I have been going over in my head ways to try and improve the
> Coalition.
> What about this, on planets with an Arerran Capital. A if a
> happiness 95-100, a "Harvest Festival" takes place. Each Farm will
> an additional 5 MCs, And the growth rate for the population will
> 130 (vs the normal 100).

I would prefer a change to the special buildings.
What I would like to see id the ability to build a new
special building at a base and upon doing so the act
of building a new building will replace the old special building.

Example I have an XH special building in my base and I want to
replace it with an Arerran Capitol special building.
So just have the code work so that when I build an Arerran
building at this base that the XH building gets destroyed/

Second idea is to return the extra income for the Arerran
capitol building. If that is not possible then cut the
price of all of the special building in half.
One or the other as they are muttualy exclusive ideas.