I'd like to know if there is some easy-ish way to combine wifi and ethernet in a network.
Since a picture says a thousand words, here's what I want to achieve:
I use the desktop computer as a file and media server using windows home group.
I have the laptop running windows 7 connected to the TV.
So far I've been using just wifi, but when I try to stream movies from my desktop to the laptop I get freezes and glitches.
I can't connect both my desktop and laptop wired to the ADSL router, since it's behind a wall I'm not allowed to drill trough.
I have a spare network switch and cables, so I was thinking I could connect the ethernet adapters on the desktop and laptop together trough the switch, I'm just not sure how to configure the computers.
Does anyone have any sugestions?
Since a picture says a thousand words, here's what I want to achieve:
I use the desktop computer as a file and media server using windows home group.
I have the laptop running windows 7 connected to the TV.
So far I've been using just wifi, but when I try to stream movies from my desktop to the laptop I get freezes and glitches.
I can't connect both my desktop and laptop wired to the ADSL router, since it's behind a wall I'm not allowed to drill trough.
I have a spare network switch and cables, so I was thinking I could connect the ethernet adapters on the desktop and laptop together trough the switch, I'm just not sure how to configure the computers.
Does anyone have any sugestions?