Question Computer freezes completely

Jul 26, 2019

OS: Windows 10
CPU: I7-7600k
GPU: Gigabyte Armor RTX 2070
RAM: 1x8GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte GH110-S2H
PSU: 650 Corsair Gold
Storage: - 120GB Gigabyte SSD
-1TB Western Digital Blue

Problem: Recently my computer started to freeze completely usually while I was playing games. It froze at unpredictable points. (Sometimes it froze even when I was just searching something on the internet). The only way I could fix the computer was via a hard system. Basically, even if I was trying to use different windows keys (CTRL+ ALT+DEL) my computer was not responding at any input.

What I've tried:
-Update Drivers
-"Windows Memory System Diagnostics"
-I also checked the temperatures of the system while playing games and everything was normal.
- Reinstall Windows
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That's a weird one. There could be any number of causes. Let's narrow it down a little....

Are you maxing out your RAM while gaming?

Do you ever access your 1TB HDD and notice that it takes a while to respond?

Have you tried updating your BIOS, either directly before the problem occurred, or as an attempted fix?

Have you overclocked anything?
That's a weird one. There could be any number of causes. Let's narrow it down a little...

Are you maxing out your RAM while gaming?

Do you ever access your 1TB HDD and notice that it takes a while to respond?

Have you tried updating your BIOS, either directly before the problem occurred, or as an attempted fix?

Have you overclocked anything?

Are you maxing out your RAM while gaming?
I just did this.
Go to start,
Type in MSConfig, press enter,
go to the 'boot' tab,
then press advanced options. make sure the 'maximum memory' is unchecked.
It was already unchecked.

Do you ever access your 1TB HDD and notice that it takes a while to respond?
All of my games are on HDD. In my opinion, everything works perfectly fine until the freezing moment...

Have you tried updating your BIOS, either directly before the problem occurred, or as an attempted fix?
My Bios is up to date. Is the lastest version...

Have you overclocked anything?
I did not
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