Computer Losing Track of Time

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May 31, 2004
Hey Dave, apparently you completely ignored my post. I gave you a perfect program and the list of NIST servers. The program that I gave you can update as often as every one (1) second, however you are limited by NIST to a minimum of four (4) seconds. Is that fast enough for you? The program has virtually no overhead, and can be loaded at boot. You go ahead and keep screwing with the windows time synchronizer, have a good time.


May 31, 2004

Clearly, you are more than a little confused. :pt1cable:

If you read it again more closely you will see that is exactly what I am saying.

And it's not some, it's all but the most ancient motherboards, hence the reference to putting it in the Smithsonian.

Get it?

P.S. The battery doesn't just hold up the time, it holds all of the changes that have been made to the factory default settings, hence removing the battery to reset the BIOS to factory defaults. Some mobos do have a super capacitor that will make the battery removal procedure not work, but I think that it works with most, if not all, of the newer mobos.