I got a new graphics card the other day, and in preparation for it I factory reset my computer. Upon arrival, I installed all the necessary drivers and went on my merry way. Shortly after however, I started experiencing a strange problem. At first, the GPU fans weren't starting on startup, but I made a new Afterburner profile for it and that fixed it. Then, at seemingly random times with no notice, the computer would suddenly shut off with no reasoning. The first 2 times, it happened while trying to launch Minecraft. The next 3 times, it was while playing a game of Rainbow 6 Siege. I tried reinstalling drivers and changing fan speeds, I never overclocked it. The issue didn't seem to be overheating, at least not the GPU overheating, because it crashed before at 35c. So today I went on newegg and ordered a replacement for the product being faulty, packed it up, and reinstalled my old 1060. I booted up fine, played Minecraft fine, and then tried R6. I got through a game with no hiccups, which was 10x more than the 2070 had done. So I was reassured that the GPU was the problem; that is until my second game, when the computer crashed again. I don't know what to do, or what could be the issue. Somebody raised the idea of my PSU not being powerful enough, as it is a 600w, 5 year old PSU. That would make sense, but I never had issues running the 1060 on it, and it now has crashed the same was as the 2070 did. I really am devastated, confused, upset, and frustrated. I have no clue where to start or what could have gone wrong.
Also, I have not shipped the 2070 away yet, so I can use both the 1060 and 2070 for testing if need-be.
Also, I have not shipped the 2070 away yet, so I can use both the 1060 and 2070 for testing if need-be.