
Jun 21, 2021
This is the last conclusion I've come to after trying everything possible in my power to diagnose and repair this issue. My computer will go completely black and all lights, fans, anything connected to the computer will abruptly, and immediately shut off all at once and reboot a few seconds after. This happens while attempting to play any game, or even just sitting on my desktop. This has happened a select few times in the past, but only now its gotten more aggressive and has rendered my PC unusable.

Been, and always have been updating my drivers every day
Checked and monitored my PC's temperature for GPU and Motherboard, no irregularities. Stays within 90-130F
Unplugged all USBs and devices
Run memory tests and tests for straining my graphics card and RAM
Replaced power supply with a stronger one
Updated, and reset BIOS to default
Disabling all background apps and startup apps
Checking for viruses

Obviously, none of these worked. I'm at a loss and I wasn't sure what category to put this in. I've asked a few people and a few of these attempts were suggested from them. They also told me it could be my graphic drivers or motherboard failing. To add on to this, yesterday, I lost the ability to control fan speed through NVIDIA.

Here are my specifications and windows error logs on unexpected reboot

Here is a video showing what happens:


Jun 21, 2021
So I replaced my power supply with the OLDER one I first had in the computer. While it did fix the issue, it was the main reason why I even got a new one in the first place. I may need another stronger replacement since mine were defective it seems. But as for now the problem is fixed temporarily.