Goodmorning everyone
Here's my network setup:
I have my ISP main router, I think a d-link 4G router, as my internet provider.
To that router, is connceted through ethernet two things:
1) GoogleWiFi for having all my devices connected to the same wifi all over the house:
2) a TP-link switch *in the farest room in my house) that allow my pc and my console to be connected to internet via ethernet; on top of that, to the switch is also connected a TP-link access point so I can have WiFi in my room.
Every WiFi Access Point (Google WiFi and the TP-LINK accesso piont) has the same name and password, everythings is just connected and not configured at all, every access point and router has their own DHCP.
I don't know how everything work but it does: every devices canbe connectet tointernet flowlessly while i work around the house.
The only things I can't do is connect my phone/pc (witch are connected to the Switch and TP-link Access point) to the printer or the TV (which are connected to Google WiFi)
I would like to make them communicate and be able to access every router setting page from every network.
I would like to create a good network with all IP to be on the 192.168.0.XXX and not every access point have their onw...
Someone can help me or guide me?
I have studied IT at school but it was almost 10 years ago and I do not know where to begin.
Thanks to everybody
Here's my network setup:
I have my ISP main router, I think a d-link 4G router, as my internet provider.
To that router, is connceted through ethernet two things:
1) GoogleWiFi for having all my devices connected to the same wifi all over the house:
2) a TP-link switch *in the farest room in my house) that allow my pc and my console to be connected to internet via ethernet; on top of that, to the switch is also connected a TP-link access point so I can have WiFi in my room.
Every WiFi Access Point (Google WiFi and the TP-LINK accesso piont) has the same name and password, everythings is just connected and not configured at all, every access point and router has their own DHCP.
I don't know how everything work but it does: every devices canbe connectet tointernet flowlessly while i work around the house.
The only things I can't do is connect my phone/pc (witch are connected to the Switch and TP-link Access point) to the printer or the TV (which are connected to Google WiFi)
I would like to make them communicate and be able to access every router setting page from every network.
I would like to create a good network with all IP to be on the 192.168.0.XXX and not every access point have their onw...
Someone can help me or guide me?
I have studied IT at school but it was almost 10 years ago and I do not know where to begin.
Thanks to everybody