[SOLVED] connection problems not allowing me to play online games pls help

Sep 25, 2019
so a few days ago i had my pc in the basement connected wiredly to the router, i have been wanting to move it to my room for a long time now but i dont have a wifi card installed on it so only option is wired.
i managed to install a tplink repeater in my room and connecting it to my pc with the ethernet cable made it just fine.

But here comes my problem, i get speed test results of like 55mbs wich should be like a solid 6 actual mbs when downloading (i say this because when i get results of 90mbs in my basement when downloading games i had 10 or 11 mbps).

When i download games i get like 8mbps or even 9.5 wich is great just a little bit below the 10 or 11 i had in my basement. Navigating on the internet works fine too but when i open up some online game to play just like CSGO or BFV or any other online game i get really laggy. Like i can see every other player move just fine but I just keep teleporting all over the place with really laggy movement.

Can anybody tell me why this could be happening if my connection is just fine for everything else. I mean i know online gaming requires more bandwith than watching youtube videos but if my connection can pull a 9.5 mbps when downloading something from steam why cant i even play csgo like a normal person.
I will leave some screenshots of the results here.
Thank you so much
Change the TP-Link Repeater to a static IP address and reserve that static IP address for the TP-Link Repeater on the ZTE router using the TP-Link Repeater's MAC.

Starter link:


Just work with the TP-Link. I.e., configure it with respect to the ZTE router.

You should not have to make any changes tot he ZTE router itself.

Other than setting up and reserving the Static IP address per the ZTE's admin screens.

If you do not have the ZTE manual here is a link that I found:


Verify the link.

Before you do anything take a few minutes to read everything and plan out what you need to do.
Connection path being the following line diagram:

ISP ---> Modem -Ethernet cable --->[WAN]Router ~~~~ Wireless ~~~~> TP-Link Repeater ---Ethernet----> pc

Edit and correct line diagram as necessary.

What make and model is the router in the basement?

Which model TP-Link Repeater did you get? Are you using the ethernet cable that came with the repeater to connect repeater and pc? If so, do try another known working (at speed) ethernet cable.

Did you assign a static IP address to the TP-Link Repeater?

E.g., you used some instructions as shown in the following link:


Who has full admin rights to the router? You may need help from that person to verify the configuration settings.
Connection path being the following line diagram:

ISP ---> Modem -Ethernet cable --->[WAN]Router ~~~~ Wireless ~~~~> TP-Link Repeater ---Ethernet----> pc

Edit and correct line diagram as necessary.

What make and model is the router in the basement?

Which model TP-Link Repeater did you get? Are you using the ethernet cable that came with the repeater to connect repeater and pc? If so, do try another known working (at speed) ethernet cable.

Did you assign a static IP address to the TP-Link Repeater?

E.g., you used some instructions as shown in the following link:


Who has full admin rights to the router? You may need help from that person to verify the configuration settings.
thank you for the answer
That connection path is correct but the router from wich the wireless connection comes to my tp link repeater is not my main router(if thats a thing) the one in the basement its my main router and modem but the one from wich the wireless connection comes is one i have in the living room.

The model of the router in the basement is: zte zxhn f660
The model of the tp link repeater i have is RE200

I have the full admin rights to the router, and the Ip address of the Tp link repeater is setted as dynamic. Is that bad?

i havent done anything like those instructions, i just connected the wireless repeater to the wall, setted up the network as fast as i could only changed the pass and the SSID
thank you
Change the TP-Link Repeater to a static IP address and reserve that static IP address for the TP-Link Repeater on the ZTE router using the TP-Link Repeater's MAC.

Starter link:


Just work with the TP-Link. I.e., configure it with respect to the ZTE router.

You should not have to make any changes tot he ZTE router itself.

Other than setting up and reserving the Static IP address per the ZTE's admin screens.

If you do not have the ZTE manual here is a link that I found:


Verify the link.

Before you do anything take a few minutes to read everything and plan out what you need to do.