so a few days ago i had my pc in the basement connected wiredly to the router, i have been wanting to move it to my room for a long time now but i dont have a wifi card installed on it so only option is wired.
i managed to install a tplink repeater in my room and connecting it to my pc with the ethernet cable made it just fine.
But here comes my problem, i get speed test results of like 55mbs wich should be like a solid 6 actual mbs when downloading (i say this because when i get results of 90mbs in my basement when downloading games i had 10 or 11 mbps).
When i download games i get like 8mbps or even 9.5 wich is great just a little bit below the 10 or 11 i had in my basement. Navigating on the internet works fine too but when i open up some online game to play just like CSGO or BFV or any other online game i get really laggy. Like i can see every other player move just fine but I just keep teleporting all over the place with really laggy movement.
Can anybody tell me why this could be happening if my connection is just fine for everything else. I mean i know online gaming requires more bandwith than watching youtube videos but if my connection can pull a 9.5 mbps when downloading something from steam why cant i even play csgo like a normal person.
I will leave some screenshots of the results here.
Thank you so much
so a few days ago i had my pc in the basement connected wiredly to the router, i have been wanting to move it to my room for a long time now but i dont have a wifi card installed on it so only option is wired.
i managed to install a tplink repeater in my room and connecting it to my pc with the ethernet cable made it just fine.
But here comes my problem, i get speed test results of like 55mbs wich should be like a solid 6 actual mbs when downloading (i say this because when i get results of 90mbs in my basement when downloading games i had 10 or 11 mbps).
When i download games i get like 8mbps or even 9.5 wich is great just a little bit below the 10 or 11 i had in my basement. Navigating on the internet works fine too but when i open up some online game to play just like CSGO or BFV or any other online game i get really laggy. Like i can see every other player move just fine but I just keep teleporting all over the place with really laggy movement.
Can anybody tell me why this could be happening if my connection is just fine for everything else. I mean i know online gaming requires more bandwith than watching youtube videos but if my connection can pull a 9.5 mbps when downloading something from steam why cant i even play csgo like a normal person.
I will leave some screenshots of the results here.
Thank you so much