Core i5-750 vs Core i5-6xx


Jan 14, 2010
I'm very confused.
I checked many websites and articles in this site and I couldn't figure what processor to buy, so I need you guys.

For what purposes the i5-750 is used for? For what purposes the i5-6xx is used for?
What the difference between them?
The thing which really confused me was the fact that the 600 series have higher clock speed than the i5-750, and I saw people who said that the i5-750 better for gaming.
btw I'm not going to do OC.

P.S. I'm looking for the processor the gives the highest performence and is the best for gaming.

As does every other CPU when you overclock it. Increase power consumption, increase temps. It's not rocket science. Plus the OP is not interested in overclocking, nor does he need to be anyway. It's just for gaming

@asaflerman: Get the Phenom II 955 or i5 750 depending on whatever deals you can find and/or the price of other components like the motherboard. Both will provide a good solid gaming rig, overclocked or not. Forget i5 6xx unless you want to feel nostalgic for getting a dual core. Also, forget any i7 chips, they are a waste for anyone wanting a pure gaming rig.


the i5 650 is pretty damn useless and has absolutely no benefits for your uses.

The i5 750 is by FAR the better processor.

I really do recommend that you overclock, the risk is far less than it used to be and the reward is very nice.

If you overclock you can save a lot of money by buying an AMD Athlon II X4 620 or Phenom II X4 925 and overclock them to 3.2-3.6 GHz, which shouldn't be all that hard.

Chad Boga

Dec 30, 2009

Unless one's computing needs were quite modest, even under your pricing scenario, I can't see the "value" of an i5-6xx over an i5-750.


Apr 20, 2007
If you're ONLY gaming then get a Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition, big CPU cooler and overclock it as far as you can push it. You'll have a very nice basis for a powerful gaming rig.

If you're doing anything else with your system, such as media work, you'll be better off getting the Core i5 750 - still get a big cooler and overclock it.



As does every other CPU when you overclock it. Increase power consumption, increase temps. It's not rocket science. Plus the OP is not interested in overclocking, nor does he need to be anyway. It's just for gaming

@asaflerman: Get the Phenom II 955 or i5 750 depending on whatever deals you can find and/or the price of other components like the motherboard. Both will provide a good solid gaming rig, overclocked or not. Forget i5 6xx unless you want to feel nostalgic for getting a dual core. Also, forget any i7 chips, they are a waste for anyone wanting a pure gaming rig.

Gratz on cpu badge and hammer.


did you want the Hammer or an upgraded