Corsair 750TX, sturdy cables???


Dec 15, 2009
Hi guys, I was doing cable management on my new build.

I have a Corsair 750TX Power supply.

My PSU is mounted in the bottom of my case and I ran the cables through an opening on the bottom of the motherboard tray, under the motherboard.

I then ran the cables through the back etc...

The cables coming out of the powersupply are kinda turned leftward, going through that hole. The cables aren't bent, but they are kinda turned with a lot of force on them (It was a tight squeeze to fit all those big cables through the small opening, and the cables are flexible)

Is it Ok that there is force on the cables in a certain direction? There not bent, but deftintately turned left, instead of a natural "straight" cable.

I dont want any cables damaged. The cables are coated with a mesh wrapping found on the TX models.

Let me know please and thank you all.


Dec 15, 2009
This is what I was talking about: it is a photo I just took. I circled the section in red.


Is this OK? The cables aren't bent, and as you can see, there are sturdy Corsair PSU cables with Mesh coating.

But I did have to apply force to get the PSU in there, and the cables going through the left bottom opening of the mobo tray.

Is this angle oK? I dont want any broken cable lines.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this and possibly help me.


Jan 17, 2008
You should be ok once there aren't any force applied to the cables. If they are simply bent, I don't see any harm in that as cables are always bent in cases.

Although I would check on the cables periodically to make sure that there are no rips in them at the bent areas.
"Sharp" Bends and and stress (Tight) end-to-end are not recommended.

looking at your picture you are prabaly OK

The "Standard" is that a "Bend" should be no less than 3 times the radius of the Wire (cable harness).