[SOLVED] Corsair CS550M - 12-pin GPU Power Cable

Jun 23, 2021
If your PSU doesn't have the right power connectors required by your GPU, (2 x 8 pin PCIe in this case), that is usually a sign that it wasn't designed to run a GPU with those power draw requirements. That's a pretty low-end PSU to be pairing with a high-end GPU.

FYI Nvidia recommends a 650 watt PSU for the RTX 3070. Also, RTX 3000 series GPUs have a well deserved reputation for running into issues if not fed with a quality PSU of the proper wattage. If you try to find some 'quick fix' for this issue, it's highly likely that you'll run into more issues soon enough.
If your PSU doesn't have the right power connectors required by your GPU, (2 x 8 pin PCIe in this case), that is usually a sign that it wasn't designed to run a GPU with those power draw requirements. That's a pretty low-end PSU to be pairing with a high-end GPU.

FYI Nvidia recommends a 650 watt PSU for the RTX 3070. Also, RTX 3000 series GPUs have a well deserved reputation for running into issues if not fed with a quality PSU of the proper wattage. If you try to find some 'quick fix' for this issue, it's highly likely that you'll run into more issues soon enough.

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