Could this be a ram issue?


Dec 5, 2012
So i've got all my kit and put it all together and it doesn't post. Here is the specs:

Motherboard: ASRock B75 Pro3-M
CPU: Intel I3-3220 Ivybridge
Ram: Giel Black Dragon 2x4gb 1600mhz

So wonderfully this mobo doesn't have a internal speaker so that is pretty lame. When i power on with just these three things installed my monitor looks like it is about to display something, then doesn't and it just repeats this over and over until i hit the power on button again and it shuts it off.
When i remove the ram the same thing happens but instead now i have to hold the power button down to turn it off. The ram isn't listed by the mobo nor is the mobo listed by the ram (although it doesn't say specifically my ram). I'm going to have to order a little speaker to put in this to see if i'm getting some beeps when the ram isn't installed.

Basically, i'm just wondering if it is likely to be the ram or if that is just a long shot and it is more likely to be the mobo?
It would seem i made a bit of a leap of faith when i read that the mobo i bought was i3 compatible! The cpu is for a Z77 chipset rather than the B75 that i have. You wouldn't believe how long it has taken me to find this out.

Is this likely to have damaged the cpu? It wasn't forced in and it does actually fit the socket
The chipset should make no difference. As long as the motherboard is the same socket type as the cpu it is fine. Try doing what Twelve said, or look up how to diagnose boot failure on google.

Its fine, they are both Intel LGA 1155 sockets, you didn't damage anything.
Test each ram stick, by inserting a single ram stick, testing, adding another, test, do this until you find the bad stick.
Phew that is 1 crisis averted. Was panicking that i had just destroy a cpu that i have had for less than 30mins.

Before going into what i've done to remedy a solution, my mobo site does not say this cpu is supported. It is actually the reason i thought i had knackered the cpu. Also, the site i bought it from says 'Intel's new IvyBridge based CPU's is a refresh that requires socket LGA1155 mainboards based on Intel Z77 Chipset' so i just want to clarify that this is not going to be the root of the problem?

Right, basically i have done everything that the awesome sticky suggests to do if the new build fails to post. So much so that now my fingertips are raw from pushing in sharp edged components all afternoon. I've tried every possible configuration of ram given that i have 2 modules and 4 slots and this has given no better results. I've also tried individual modules in each of the 4 slots and got nothing.
Well i've ordered a little motherboard speaker so i can check if it is ram of just the motherboard.
I'm pretty sure it won't be the cpu as it was straight out of the box into the mobo and i can't see any sort of damage on the cpu or its socket. If nothing turns up from the speaker then i guess i will RMA the mobo and hope that they find a fault.