[SOLVED] CPU fan/AIO speeds ramp up and then shut down PC


Nov 19, 2013
I've just recently had this problem not sure where it came from. My pc keeps shutting down (powers off) randomly but only after fans go crazy fast. I purchased a new power supply as I thought this might be causing the issue however this is not the case. I assumed my AIO was broken and replaced it with a standard fan cooler. It even shuts down on idle at 1% CPU usage. I managed to check task manager before shutdown and there was no strange or erratic component usage. This has seriously got me scratching my head.

Few other notes:
CPU Temps unknown but surrounding temperatures within the case is cool.
Idle cpu usage @ 1% 0.6GHz to currently 3% @ 3.8Ghz ( which kind of seems abnormal reading to me)
No games in background
upadated windows and chipset firmware. Might do BIOS next.
Checked the power settings and currently on RYZEN performance.
Don't do BIOS update on an unstable machine unless you absolutely have to.

While the system is booted go check Event Viewer and see what is going on. Reliability History can sometimes be helpful. You could try the DISM and SFC to see if it's related to OS.

If nothing comes of that go and reset CMOS/BIOS down to no OC/XMP. Breadboard system down to its most base componentry, even without a drive. See if it will boot/splash/no boot device. Add back OS drive, see if it boots to desktop. Start adding parts back until the instability returns. (hopefully it will)

You can also run memtest and other such utilities to see if there is issue there.


Don't do BIOS update on an unstable machine unless you absolutely have to.

While the system is booted go check Event Viewer and see what is going on. Reliability History can sometimes be helpful. You could try the DISM and SFC to see if it's related to OS.

If nothing comes of that go and reset CMOS/BIOS down to no OC/XMP. Breadboard system down to its most base componentry, even without a drive. See if it will boot/splash/no boot device. Add back OS drive, see if it boots to desktop. Start adding parts back until the instability returns. (hopefully it will)

You can also run memtest and other such utilities to see if there is issue there.