CPU / Motherboard Compatability Questions -- Help!


Aug 24, 2007
I'm looking to upgrade the processor on an old FIC AD11 motherboard (Socket A, AMD-761, DDR) with the fastest CPU it will support. I built this system (and three others over the years) so I'm not completely clueless, but I still have a couple of questions.

FIC's website has the board approved up to the Athlon XP 2000+ (Palomino / Model 6). AMD's webpage for the AD11 has the board approved up to the Athlon XP 1800+ (Palomino / Model 6). The .pdf file off of FIC's website with the approved CPUs was created on 01/11/2002, and I don't know when AMD's page for the AD11 was last updated.

I have several questions:

Assuming the CPU support tables are both still correct (which seems dubious), can I trust FIC's recommendation even though it exceeds what is on AMD's supported list?

If 1800+ or 2000+ is the limit, is there a reason I wouldn't be able to use an +1800 or +2000 from a later model Athlon XP (Thoroughbred / Model 8 or Thorton / Model 10)?

Is there a possibility I can go faster than a 2000+? I have never overclocked and don't really want to start now, but I'm not sure I would even have to. The clock speed is 133 MHz. The multiplier still confuses me. There are jumper settings for 5x to 12.5x, but in the motherboard manual the highest setting is listed as >=12.5x. The CPU support chart from FIC also shows support for an AMD Athlon-1.4G running at 100x14. Could I potentially have a processor running at 1867 MHz (133x14)?

These are old components and FIC's customer service is pretty much non-existent. Any tips you guys could provide would be wonderful. I know this is a lot, and that surely some of these questions are dumb. Thanks to any of you who read through it all. Please let me know if there's anything else you need to know. Thanks in advance.



Jul 18, 2006
Hi Rhodey,
So it supports 133MHz FSB (266DDR) but won't do 166...
No worries; any FSB133 Athlon should work. The Palomino models are 180nm and use 1.75v, while newer TBred A and B models are 130nm and use only 1.65v. There is also the very fastest Thorton model which uses high multipliers, but is 1.65v too.
If your mobo sends 1.75v into a newer CPU (if the BIOS doesn't recognize it) it's not the end of the world, heheh... might even help.
The multiplier is locked in the CPU, and different models range between 10x and 15x. Your ultimate speed is therefore the FSB times the multiplier.
Back in the day we would run the 133FSB CPUs on the newer 166FSB mobo's = instant 'stock' overclock, LoL... good deals.
Anyway, you just worry about FSB speed - the CPU voltage and multiplier should be auto-detected. Most mobo's will ignore your multiplier jumper settings unless they are very old, ie. supporting Athlon C on 133SDR FSB.
All the great old Athlon Bartons run 166FSB but, other than that you should be able to run any 133FSB CPU you can find :^)
Obviously the latest BIOS for your mobo is going to help...
Good luck,


Dec 16, 2006
I had a kg7 simular to that setup and had the same question...I was told that a 2400 athlon would work(as stated pretty thourough by the_ogs)gl.


Aug 24, 2007
Thank you both for the detailed replies. I got this reply from FIC's technical support team this afternoon:


Dear FICA User,

Thank you for contacting FICA Techincal Support.

* Yes the AD11 can support up to an Athlon XP 2000+
* Only the Palomino is supported as there is a change in voltage for the Thoroughbred that is not supported on the AD11
* We apologize however the 2000+ was the fastest approved. Any other processors would be at the owner's liability

If you have any further questions or comments please contact us at your convenience.

FICA Support Team


So I'm still not sure what to think. I don't know if they're clueless, covering their asses or telling the truth.

For what its worth, I Googled for a solid hour today looking for anyone with an AD11 and something faster than 2000+, and couldn't find anything.