Hello, today upon first bootup, PC would just cycle trough some sort pre-post phase with fans constantly spinning up and down and it wouldn't post. Went with the standard diagnostics, reseating everything and the PC booted up, everything seemed fine until I got an warning from a game that the game may crash with only 8gb of ram(i have 2x8gb ddr4), went to check task manager and found out it repots 8GB ram with slots used 1 of 2. Reseated everything again- PC wouldn't post, giving 1 long 2 short beeps which is the same beep as if I don't have memory installed. After trying it out multiple times, switching rams, reseating CPU and reseting bios, it booted up again, but again with 8gb of ram with 16gb installed. In bios it reports 8gb, but also reports both 8gb ram sticks, even going into SPD info, both ram specs are complete, but 8gb is only used. To cut it short, i tried getting 16gb ram again but it wasn't possible, sometimes it would post with 2 sticks of ram only, sometimes with ram in slot 1, sometimes in slot 2, it is completely random. I am wondering is this a CPU of mobo failure since I am unable to afford to experiement and buy both new parts. Why I suspect it's the CPU besides mobo is that sometimes when I would reseat it, POST screen gave message that new cpu has been installed, even with no bios reset. I had an issue few months ago where PC would only post with 1 stick of ram, doesn't matter in what slot, reseated the cpu and it fixed the issue until today. Mobo is Asus H510m prime and cpu is i5 11400f. No bent pins on the socket.