I was just looking at the temperature of CPU in the bios, it reaches 70 celcius in about 30 seconds and then pc shuts down. (Note- i just turned on the pc, opened bios and CPU overheated in just 30 seconds). Then it automatically restarts and again shuts down a second later.
I have checked everything, from reapplying thermal paste to checking for any shorts among the pins of the processor slot (Processor is Core2Duo E series processor). I know that processor is correct as it can run on other motherboard. Note- both motherboards came with E-Series processor. Power supply also works correctly. Can anyone please share any other problem that could have made the processor overheated?? Note- I have not OC the processor.
I have checked everything, from reapplying thermal paste to checking for any shorts among the pins of the processor slot (Processor is Core2Duo E series processor). I know that processor is correct as it can run on other motherboard. Note- both motherboards came with E-Series processor. Power supply also works correctly. Can anyone please share any other problem that could have made the processor overheated?? Note- I have not OC the processor.