Question Cpu spiking despite having new glue and cpu cooler.

Feb 16, 2019
Hello as the title says my cpu is spiking despite having new thermal paste and a cpu cooler on it i put it on a month ago. I recently installed A GTX 1060 in my system and now my cpu is spiking like mad when gaming(destiny 2 mainly) the core readings on my core temp jumps to like 200 degrees. ive never had this problem before i installed my new gpu so im not sure if my cpu just cant handle it or something else is wrong? i checked just now if the fans working on the cpu cooler( it was) and dusted all the fans and re applied new thermal paste. Im not sure if i just need a new cpu or whats wrong?

CPU: amd fx 6300 6 core
motherboard: MSI 76023fx
gpu: GTX 1060
PSU: EVGA white 500w

Thanks for anything in advance.
As title says, my cpu spikes when gaming and causes it to freeze up and stuff often while im playing destiny2. I put on new thermal paste not too long ago but it could use more even though when the spikes happen my cpu is at a optimal temp which is weird(40-60 ish) ive been having this problem and got it checked out and the guy who checked it said my hardware is fine and nothing is messing up. which is weird cause im still cpu spiking in game like that and its unbearable. i have to get my minumum processor state to 98% to even get stable ish fps in game but after awhile it starts to spike im not sure if thats because its heating up or what.
CPU: AMD FX 6300
MOBO: MSI 76023
GPU: installed 3 days ago GTX 1060
PSU: evga W 500w

side note: does using a certain power plan effect having stable fps? im running it on high performance and it still tends to spike and freeze alot, im running memtest in balanced power mode atm and i have no idea how to read these tests.
Any help is appreciated thanks!
Did you use DDU when installing new drivers for the gpu? It may be that the new gpu is making the fx6300 a bottleneck, and perhaps the cpu wasnt working as hard before the new gpu and is now needing to work very hard to keep up and the old cooler may not be able to cope?

I'd DDU and if that doesnt work, Imma peg it at cpu bottleneck.