So I just bought a 1440p 144hz monitor and a 2070 super. I currently have an i5 6600k, overclocked to 4.4ghz (I know Ii could overclock it more, and I most likely will eventually).
I'm wondering if my 6600k will limit my 2070 super at 1440p. The research I've done has been confusing to say the least.
Will I be okay just running my 6600k, and maybe overclocking it a bit more? Or should I go with a new CPU?
If I need a new CPU, should I get an i5 9600k, wait for i5 10600k, or get an R5 3600? All are options for me, I just don't know what would pair better with the 2070 super for 1440p.
I'm wondering if my 6600k will limit my 2070 super at 1440p. The research I've done has been confusing to say the least.
Will I be okay just running my 6600k, and maybe overclocking it a bit more? Or should I go with a new CPU?
If I need a new CPU, should I get an i5 9600k, wait for i5 10600k, or get an R5 3600? All are options for me, I just don't know what would pair better with the 2070 super for 1440p.