"blow" the gpu meaning my system can't handle it? I doubt that since I have a new nvidia GTX 470 and a i7 @ 3.8ghz. It's pretty fast. And no it doesn't over heat or make noise like some dingbat ati fans insisted. I almost got an ati because of those stupid rumors. Not that ati is bad, but neither is the nvidia. I got the gtx 470 one anyway since I knew I could return it if it sucked. Well, it's great and not going back. But in a way I hope this game causes some strain on my card because that will mean it has higher levels of detail that can be turned up on future cards. Meaning the game would have higher detail that possible on todays games.
If we always had the same level of detail as say 2000, then games would never look better. So it's a good thing when there are new levels of detail that are unobtainable even if frustrating, lol. I remember when flight simulator x gave cards a hard time. Now with this card I can put all settings on high. Same for Crysis. Everything on very high and I have around 50-60fps. Lowered only the shader one notch and it the game looks the same, but I get like 80 to 100 fps. I actually think I will be able to do true stereo 3d with nvidia's 3d glasses since I'd get about 40-50 fps per eye. Hopefully Crysis 2 will still be reasonable at mid settings.
That said, the screen shots above worry me. Simply because I can't blow them up and see if they are detailed or not. And every thing looks like an explosion and smoke. I'm hoping for amazing detail. *crossing fingers* ;-)