Crysis Delayed Again?

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Sep 30, 2006
I'm praying for UT2007 to not catch the delay plague. Crysis looks amazing though, and it's a shame to see it get delayed again. Same with HL2: Episode 2 (especially TF2 and Portal).

The year 2007 will be associated with game delays.


Mar 3, 2006
These guys are totally blowing it on the business front. No real reason to upgrade to Vista, no DX10, these guys should flunk Business 101. Launching products that have no real value/use for one year??!! Man, I'd fire the guys behind demand means no profit. Dumbarses. Plus, REAL BAD consumer backlash against them for building hype with no substance and expectations that simply cannot be met. I think they're all in for a rude awakening when they see poor sales.......

About Crysis, I'll still be crying next week I think. That's how lonf it's gonna take me to get over it, honest. :cry: :wink:

Not the reason of the post, but I'll get Vista for my next computer as soon as it comes out, for my new computer. You know why? Imagine somebody here, 4 years ago, getting a new computer with WME over WXP because the second one didn't offer enough over WME. Would this guy be crying now you think? I won't touch Vista for my current system (see below), but I'll make sure to get my new computer next february only to make sure it's on Vista. Call me stupid and we'll talk again in 12 month and see who is?

Now time to go cry about Crysis delay :wink:


Jan 18, 2006
man that sucks, i was ready to upgrade to, been a good 2 years since my last build, and the main purpose was dx10/ whats the point? i could care less for a flight simulator in dx10, and thats the only other game i know of thats in dx10, anyone else know of any other games that are dx10? i dont know about you guys, but i am plain and simply tired of delays in video games, i honestly dont think its to fix bugs, its seems like thats just turning into an excuse to TRY and build more hype, but it seems to do the opposite..kinda like stalker, when i first heard of that i thought the idea of the story was fantastic, real excited to play it..2 years later, im pissed off because it got pushed back 5 more times, the graphics now look out of date to me in trailers (they dont look bad, but defenetly not up to date) I read in all pc gamers and some game informers that PC gaming is at its peak right now...i dont know if im blind, but for the time being, seems to me consols are winning the consol/pc war.(coming from a pc gamer)


Apr 26, 2006
See the official site HERE (More HD Videos!)
March 30, 2007 in the US & UK, April in Australia

LOL YOU NOOB, thats not the "official site" as you would like to call it...look on the left where it says "DONATE" and on the homepage it says "Welcome to Crysis-Online :: The Unofficial Crysis Fansite", its a fanboy site trying to rip you off...omg I cannot believe you fell for is the official site

and besides...that crappy link you provided clearly says at the top " Last Updated: June 29, 2006" ...thats not reliable.

If you want reliable go over to notice in the release date it says "Q3 2007"

Meanwhile I wait for:
Ut 2007
Alan wake
Test Drive Unlimited (PC VER)

That's not the official site either. The official site isn't done yet.
Even more time for me to get my laptop in shape. :twisted:

Although the summer would be better, September is too close to ski season, speaking of which.....




Maybe you need to invest in some planks and take your mind off the delays, something like these;


:mrgreen: <-my face is still frozen in a smile (F'in cold this weekend).


Apr 3, 2006
Is no one here looking forward to Hellgate London? I agree with UT2007 and Testdrive Unlimited and CRYSIS :cry: . Still waiting for my free copy of F.E.A.R. extraction point form my good friend...
I rather have a game that's delayed, than rushed. I don't play too many games so the only game that I can point to that was rushed out the door too quickly is Knights of the Old Republic 2. Too much cut content and some story inconsistancies. X3: Reunion is probably another one. However, I don't want delays to push games to the point of vaporware.


Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto once said, "A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever."

Granted patches for PC games help alleviate the problem to some degree.


Aug 14, 2006
Snow bunnies and Banff......mmmmm.......... :lol:

Well, you know what they say about the weather here in Canuckland:

There are only 2 seasons in Canada: hockey season and patio season ;)

And sometimes if you're lucky, you get both at the same time 8)
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto once said, "A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever."

What made KOTOR II a bad game was that it had a lot of cut contents, the remaining was simply strung together to bring the game to an early ending.

I blame LucasArts since they demanded that Obsidian cut the project short for a Christmas release.
Yeah, gives you lots of time to decide between a M76/M78 or G83M/G80M. SHoot, the way this is going, maybe whatever comes next (R700 based mobility). :evil:

Yeah I'm just thingking if I can get a solid, not power hungry, DX10 solution in the GF7600GT/X1700 performance range (a little more would be nice of course, as long as not eating batteries) then that would be great. I'm thinking mid-Feb is likely a good target time for the Santa Rosa Refresh, the introduction of Hybrid HDDs, and wider adoption of HD-DVD and HDMI. The only problem is I think I'll "have" to sell my 2GB of DDR2 667 if I'm on a Santa Rosa core since the FSB is 800mhz, and I don't want slow memory, I mean C'mon 667 when I could have 800? :twisted:
I have a feeling Vista will be a memory pig, and if there's still some Hypermemory action going on for things like Physics, and such, then 800mhz may have more impact then than the bump from 533 to 667 did now.
There are only 2 seasons in Canada: hockey season and patio season ;)

Yep, or as I pronounce it, Hockey/Ski season, and Cottage season.

And sometimes if you're lucky, you get both at the same time 8)

Yeah, unfortunately, the two don't mix well for me, Ski season is out here in the Mountains, where there's not as good water options, and the Cottage is back in OnatriariarioOO where there's lotsa lakes, but limited skiing.

cool pics i like the icewall castle look

Yeah I was thinking of bringing it back to the house in segmnents and rebuilding it in the back yard, but I must have misplaced it somehow because by the time I got home, there was only water in the rubbermaid containers. 8O

Actually they had a nice setup there, but they've now made all the chalets non-smoking, so no nice apres-ski stoggie and pints. And it was too windy and cold to smoke on the hill. Maybe next time.

I hope Sunshine mountain still let's us smoke at the 'old lodge' bar because there's a gang of us going there to ski and smoke and celebrate a new baby to the ski crew.


Jun 28, 2006

That's not the official site either. The official site isn't done yet.


Actually I was right fyi...if you look at my link and mouse over "Games" then click on the link for the official site...its the link you provided.

So in all actuality they are both the official site since they are on the same site.

Nice pics

Your welcome

Yeah, delays suck, but in the end it's entirely worth it..most of the time

I dont want UT2007 to be delayed either

Oh yeah...I forgot Hellgate: London :oops:


Apr 26, 2006
Cool. For some reason I couldn't get there from that link. I know you were responding to me, but you quoted someone else as saying it. Oh well, it's all the same in the end. :)


Jan 4, 2006
This is so retarded, those developers are giving us bullsh*t all the time. Gaaahhhh......might as well delay that game to 2010 for DX15 support.

I'd rather deal with them than the developers shoving things out the door before they're done.


Apr 3, 2006
Who here thinks NFS Carbon was a total waste of money and way too short and easy for the long wait for it?

I finished the game in like 2 days and I didn't play nonstop. I went to church, watched the sunday night movie, went to work the next day for 8.5 hours and finished the game after work. The challenge series and reward cards adds like another 2 or maybe 3 days.

Test drive unlimited looks great. Kinda like sims and a race game in one. Something to keep my other half busy as well so I can hang with the guys.