Crysis vs Crysis Warhead vs Crysis 2 (PC)

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Crysis vs Crysis Warhead vs Crysis 2 (PC)

  • Crysis

    Votes: 46 39.3%
  • Crysis Warhead

    Votes: 17 14.5%
  • Crysis 2 (DX11)

    Votes: 35 29.9%
  • I like all equally

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • I dislike all three

    Votes: 7 6.0%

  • Total voters
And at least Valve HAS customer service.

Try getting on the phone with an EA rep and you will be speaking with "ahkheem achoo" over in Llama land because EA are too damn cheap to pay Western workers!

I disagree. Getting to talk to a competent human being associated with Valve is almost impossible, and you can't use any livechat assist features because they simply don't exist. lol

Well, that's because you are a free thinker and one of Tom's coolest cats, if I may say so myself. :)

I just think you are wrong if you think Valve is anywhere near as bad as EA from customer service and gamer friendly perspective. 🙁

I have over a hundred games with Steam and have never had any trouble.

I will admit it does irk me that I have to have a customer service account separate from my Steam account.

With that said, I generally submit a ticket and by the end of a business day (two at the most), I hear back - although seldom is the issue resolved on the first try.

EA and Origin - another story. Yep, you can get someone on the phone, but they don't know their *** from a hole in the ground usually, and EA's instant chat help has always been pretty lame to me. I would almost be willing to be that they have some kind of bot system in place - 5 bots overseen by one human or something. I just have that feeling after dealing with EA's live chat customer support a few times.

That's fair. I've actually used EA's live-chat service a couple of times (most recently for Bad Company 2) and I have no idea what nationality the person that I got was, but he understood English pretty well and actually managed to fix my issue in about five minutes. Surprisingly.

Yeah, I deleted that post because after reading it...not really a cool thing to have said.

To be fair, it's not where they are from - or even how well they speak english. It is the fact that EA is using (or even exploiting) them because of the lower wages and they aren't entitled to benefits or any of that. Very few eastern nations have laws protecting their workers, and EA is all over 'em.

Don't worry I wasn't tongue-in-cheek accusing you of racism lol. Just saying, regardless of how outsourced it might have been, I actually had a decent experience with their live-chat customer service.

That's only because Casual Colors is such a cool customer.

Yeah, debating these things is a lot more civil when both parties have some background knowledge on the subject. Point-counterpoint is a lot less aggressive than someone throwing an internet tantrum.

But to be fair, I can be a little nasty when it comes to EA. I have been burned by them in a lot of ways. That doesn't necessarily negate the points you made, although it does cause me to be little less willing to concede them.

The last escapade I had with EA was with their lenient attitude towards cheaters in BF3. It got so bad that I had fraps running in the background (at all times) just ready to hit make a long (very long) story short, these cheaters were still not getting banned. I went a little psycho for a while.
They, and by they I mean DICE and not EA, actually buttoned down on cheating pretty hard starting about 2 major patches ago. Not too many bans but plenty of complete stat wipes with second offenses getting bans. Part of the problem was the way people were covering their ID though. I don't have too many complaints about it but that's because I try to look at it in contrast to its competitor, Modern Warfare 3, which has had its entire service and lobby system hacked numerous times since it released lol.
I don't mind urban jungle that much, but I definitely hope they go back to some stuff from Crysis 1. Separate the suit functions (although I highly doubt they will). Build more open levels - although, again, I doubt they will. Although in this case it's more a matter of being unable to thanks to going multiplatform. And go back to the squid aliens!

Did you guys see Crysis 1 on consoles? I saw a screenshot comparison between Xbox and PC. It was horrendous! They had to remove about 95% of the vegetations. I mean, what's the point then?

Also, everybody knows the bow is the best weapon in the game. Didn't you guys play any Turok 2?
Crysis 1 on consoles. I have mixed feelings.

Whenever I watch a YouTube video I'm blown away by the superior Cryengine 3 lighting, but I know what's missing as well. Draw distance, shaders, veg density, physics, and textures are all castrated from what I understand, but I still want to give it a whirl with the Crysis 2 suit functions.

And I totally agree with Crytek deleting the VTOL level. When I got there on my first playthrough I was like, really? This level seriously sucks. A lot.
I think they just should have redone the VTOL level. The problem was the particular model of VTOL used and the forced / scripted movement. The VTOL you can fly in the Wars MP is pure awesome....I love flying it - but it's completely different than the VTOL they used in the SP game - - much quicker and WAY more agile.

The MP chopper is also pretty fun....but something you never get to fly in the SP game.

I had a situation a few years back with EA were somebody, in India no doubt, told me that I was screwed with NFS Shift 1's comparability with windows 7 because I downloaded it and the only way to get it to work was with a disk. I also had problems with BF2 and even Dragon Age. I got a hold of somebody via telephone and they apologized and sent me all of the disks and gave me all of the DLC for Dragon Age at the time (about $30 worth of DLC at the time). It took a while to get them, but you just have to do a bit of research.


At least they made good and you didn't get ripped off. You don't deserve to get ripped off.

But, people do get ripped off in some form or another. I hear about it all the time.

I hated that level. I couldn't keep the stupid thing in the air, I kept crashing it into the trees below.

Overall, Crysis had terrible pacing. Warhead was much better in that respect.

It was corridors because the Maps (and everything else graphic wise) were made with consoles in mind. Consoles dont have the power/memory to deal with those big crysis 1 maps. For me, it´s the main reason why Crysis 2 was such a disapointment. It was made from the 7 year old consoles for the 7 year old consoles. The "wow" factor was nonexistent.

I feel like the game was given a major overhaul from a design standpoint to appeal more to the console gamer.

The fact that I am just as good at Crysis 2 with a gamepad as I am with a mouse and keyboard is a testament to that fact.

The graphics were hit hard as well.

Do you think this claim would hold up in multiplayer? 😛

I know - I told him they're a ton of fun to play and tweak. Btw, I got both on Steam last summer for $9.99 total.

This is random, but it's still amazing to me that even an overclocked HD 7970 can't keep Warhead at 60fps avg./45fps min. at 1080p... Crytek outdid themselves.

Part of the reason for this is that there weren't quite as many elegant ways to create visual effects back in 2006 when it was being developed. The poor performance is actually a reflection of the age of the product, sadly. Visually though, it still holds up very nicely. Looking forward to seeing Far Cry 3's jungle setting which I believe is going to utilize Frostbite 2.0.

I have to completely agree. I haven't put warhead on my new PC yet but I want to see what it looks like maxxed with one screen utilized, I'm sure it'll bog down with 3 screens but I'm curious to see where it's at with one. With one screen being utilized I've watched Metro in BF3 multiplayer jump higher than 200 fps and never dip below 150... I'm wondering if the 5 year old game gets lower FPS than a brand new game.
Those games were actually benched against each other. BF3 gets far better FPS than Crysis. Frostbite 2.0 is vastly more efficient and has the benefit of 6 years of technical advancements, lending it much better optimization.

Even as good as the BF3 engine is, you still can't judge it by the Metro performance sadly. Those are all short draw distances. The only spot that you can actually bench on Metro is if you play Conquest, you have to actually head outside toward the Russian spawn, and there you can achieve some long enough draws that the FPS will be somewhat indicative of the average for the game (it about halves the fps from inside the metro if you're viewing from someplace extremely narrow like the locker room). The best map to bench on still remains Caspian Border, even if it isn't the most fun to actually play.