Crysis vs Crysis Warhead vs Crysis 2 (PC)

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Crysis vs Crysis Warhead vs Crysis 2 (PC)

  • Crysis

    Votes: 46 39.3%
  • Crysis Warhead

    Votes: 17 14.5%
  • Crysis 2 (DX11)

    Votes: 35 29.9%
  • I like all equally

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • I dislike all three

    Votes: 7 6.0%

  • Total voters

It's funny you mention that......I've had Dirt3 in my STEAM account forever and just started playing it a couple of weeks ago. I haven't even started the career yet....just playing time trials and stuff to learn the game, but it is a lot of fun, and the game looks really nice. The Michigan courses are just beautiful. I didn't think I would like the Gymkhana stuff at first, but now that I'm more used to the mechanics I really like it. I seriously need to get a wheel.....I love racing games like this so I have no excuse not to get one.

I have Dirt 3 as well - mine came free with one of my 6970s.

I played it for a while but quickly lost interest when I discovered that the game was not going to allow me 100% completion unless I paid them (DLC).

That really irks me, as it seems that half of Dirt 3 is DLC - and it wasn't offered after the game had been out a while, oh no. It was there from day one - almost as if to say, "Thanks for purchasing. If you want the rest of the game, pay us more."

I am glad I got it for free. If I would have actually bought it, I would be even more livid.

DLC is the biggest rip-off money making middle finger to the gamer since arcade Gauntlet.

The only DLC I would buy is the monte carlo tracks. The dlc cars that were available from day 1, ehhhhhhhh who cares about them imo. For me though the fun isn't in the completion of the game as far as Dirt 3 is concerned. I just really love driving the courses. It's a blast.
DiRT 3 is decent, but honestly Dirt 1 and 2 were better. Except the Gymkhana. That's pretty fun. My biggest problem with it is a lack of progress as far as cars go. It was similar in Dirt 2, but at least you had to buy them. Dirt 3 it's just "oh, you played enough to level up, here's new cars/sponsors!". I wish they'd go back to how GRID did it.
Dirt 2 is a blast as well. I grabbed it when it was on sale for 5 bucks on steam and it's equally as fun as Dirt 3 for me. I really like the chinese trailblazer courses and the malaysian rally courses. Sorry for derailing the thread btw.
imho crysis and warhead are amazing games, they look amazing have an amazing story and allow you to play the game how you want.

Crysis 2 imho does not deserve to bare the name crysis. Huge deviation in story, huge deviation in gameplay from suite mechanics to level design, huge deviation (step backwards) visually. Could have been Halo 4 really lol

To be fair, Crysis 1 and Crysis Warhead are completely linear games that aside from walking around and playing with mods, basically force you to play the way they want with options as to how you approach each fight. Pretty much exactly the same as Crysis 2 lol. It's not like you can choose how to progress through Crysis 1 for instance.

I can agree with this.

Far Cry 2 IMO is really the only non-linear shooter from Crytek.

Crysis allowed for one to choose how to approach - but the destination was always predetermined as was the order.

Crysis Warhead was especially linear, IMO. However, I think it worked for Warhead - made it more like Crysis extreme.

Crysis 2 allowed for being sneaky and approaching your own way, but for me the issue was always the look of Crysis 2, as well as the presentation.

I much prefer a real jungle to a concrete jungle. To me, it just doesn't feel or look like Crysis.

I can agree with this. I think we would all like a more refined jungle combat game in the future.

To me, Farcry 3 looks promising in that regard. So long as it is done in a better vein than the 2nd game.

Far Cry 3 is looking very good. I can't wait.

I liked the first Far Cry, although I never did finish it. The Trigens weren't as much fun as the humans. They were very scary and very hard, though.

Far Cry 2 I played a while, although I didn't beat it. I got it on steam for like 5 dollars and still play a little from time to time. It got an unfair rap IMO. I like the look of the game and I think it's fun.
I LOVED FarCry2, despite its shortcomings (of which it had many).

They really attempted to provide a truly first-person immersive feel to the game. All the little seeing your hand open doors, as opposed to doors just magically flying open when you push the interact key....actually climbing into the vehicles instead of just materializing inside the cab, no unnatural zooming effect when you would ironsight a weapon, and no crosshairs!!!

Actually pulling out and stabbing yourself with the med-kit syringes, or even having to dig a bullet out in battle if you let it go too far....very cool.

I also totally dug the story. Yay! A story for grown-ups! No epic end-of-the-world self-importance to it, no flopping tits to entertain the 14-year-old virgins, and no nuclear explosions. I thought the conflict was very interesting.

Also had some fantastic AI. Wounded NPC's would crawl to cover and wait for you to come looking for them (I don't know how many times I got shot in the back because of this). Other NPC's would drag or carry the wounded from the area.

What hurt this game was the repetitiveness of the "quests." The second half of the game I felt was far more exciting than the first, which is too bad, as it seems like everybody who doesn't like the game never even gets that far.

So I find myself wondering how FarCry 3 is going to play, as I can't really tell from the available videos. What has me worried is that there appears to be "takedown" keys and combo maneuvers, which leads me to believe it's going to have a lot of that scripted crap where you just hit keys and watch all the action take place (ala BF3....gag). Also noticed that cross-hairs are back, which means they probably cut back on the realism and perhaps have done some other consolizing.

I'm going to buy it....I have to - - nobody else is making open-world FPS's right now.

That still seems to be on shaky ground.....nobody would love to see STALKER 2 more than I would, but it's kind of one of those "I"ll believe it when I see it" things at this point. Hopefully the STALKER team will find the funding they need to get there.

most of the stalker team defected to 4A games to make the metro series....
On December 23, 2011 GSC Game World announced they would be continuing development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, despite an earlier announcement pointing to its cancellation - quote from wikipedia

I do agree that it is nowhere near a sure thing, but considering how well the past iterations have sold (as well as the fact that it is widely anticipated), the GSC team would have to quit loving money before we can expect a real cancellation.

And even if GSC gives up on it for whatever reason, it's not out of the realm of possibility (in fact, I'd say it's likely) that a large publisher would purchase the license to try and capitalize on the brand name.
in crysis 2 u have to buy the nanosuit modules and once u get stealth enhance and nano recharge , the game ends , i mean just sneek past enemies is no fun , for ppl like me who want gud gfx just used that whereas in crysis enter in a warzone kill or die , not many times u r able to sneek through , though just use it as a tactic.
I think crysis 2 is more coloured rather than better looking , if crysis 2 would have followed 1's colour scheme for aliens , then crysis original absolute winner , but for me crysis is still the best.
crysis has 1 flaw though not in c2 that i think crysis was unended , i mean they didnt showed the death of other aliens , in the end finish off alien warhip and thats it ? And they never showed how was prophet saved which we can be said a flaw of c2 also , did nomad and pyscho die ? Or were they on a vacation or were they on pension ;P

Thats the great thing about the beginning of crysis 2 (well, and the end...) Is that we do learn that everyone who wears the suit goes crazy and dies...

Now the sarcasm I have used here, the sarcasm is fitting because the butchering of the crysis story with what crytek and EA called "crysis 2" (not a sequel imo, just a game using the good name of crysis to sell a POS) was the greatest atrocity committed against PC gaming and gaming in general possibly in the history of gaming.

Not only did Crytek murder our beloved characters from crysis, but they completely discontinued the story and wrote some new cliche cheesy bull ******* *** about some crazy asshole scientist and how the suits made people go nuts. Total BS, a complete hack job...AND on top of these atrocities they release a POS console port claiming to the the sequel to crysis.

Since I have tried whenever I speak about crysis to make a point of saying crysis 2 is not a crysis game. It only has the name, which it soiled with failure...
As much as I hate EA's butchering of gaming franchises, Crysis 2 is still a Crysis game as much as Mass Effect 3 is still a Mass Effect game.

Yeah, they sucked balls compared to the originals and are not what the series' deserved, but that's what we got.

Still, I hope devs can warp out of the EA black hole in the future to avoid getting devoured and destroyed.
The fanboys are strong in this thread. The thing that I never really understood is how people suggest that Crysis 2 somehow butchered the Crysis storyline. The story was already incredibly weak (Warhead was the only compelling aspect of Ling Shan imo). The characters were cool, but I never had the sense that they were abandoned since I was never particularly attached to Nomad, Psycho or Prophet in the first place. They're all awesome, but I thought Alcatraz was way more visceral. Alcatraz has more in common with the user, since the nanosuit is foreign to him. It was also a clever way to re-introduce Prophet since you had to have that feeling that his character was destined to die ever since halfway through the first game.

All of that said, it seems like they've set up a scenario where you could get Nomad, Psycho and Prophet (through Alcatraz) in the next Crysis game.

The suits making people go nuts and crap was alluded to in the very first Crysis game. Prophet comes back from the island having violent hallucinations and delusions and it is all laid out for you.

The weakest point in Crysis 2 was the ending. Compared to the first two games though, it's a well developed end. The ending to Crysis 1 and Warhead weren't good at all. They were horribly abrupt (and particularly the bosses were pathetic).

All of that said, I think Warhead was the prettiest of the three games. Crysis 2 was actually the most fleshed out story element. Crysis 1 is the weakest of the series but it gets a lot of love for being the innovator.

Killing off nomad, psycho and prophet are what pissed me off. The suit making people crazy also pissed me off. As far as being foreshadowed in the first game, ill probably look out for that when/if I replay it as I don't remember that at all.

Either way Crysis 2 was a bad port, and the enemies are completely different...very strange. It felt like halo to me, not crysis.

Also, when I said the first game let me play the way I wanted, I meant the world was more open, so I could attack from different sides, at different speeds. Story was linear, but gameplay was much less linear. Also had stuff to explore if I wanted too 😀
The first game was completely on tracks. You had the same diversity of options as far as how to approach any given situation as you had in Crysis 2. You can come from the left, the right or the middle.

I like the aliens more in Warhead and the first Crysis, but I enjoy being able to cut their throats in the second. I guess if I had to weigh the two, I preferred my interaction with them in the second much more than I cared about their particular art style.

Nomad and Psycho weren't killed off. Game makes no mention of them as it's solely about Prophet going to New York (and finding Alcatraz). So far as I can tell, Crysis 2 feels like it is deliberately setting the stage for a trilogy with the way that it expanded the story of nanosuit 2.0 and Prophet specifically.

The suit making people go crazy wasn't just foreshadowed, it is explicitly mentioned (while you're on the carrier).

It is true that you could explore the world more in Crysis, but to me that wasn't what made it cool. The world exploring was pretty much masturbatory and unless you were a modder, the novelty of it wore off in about an hour. Personally, I thought the height of the first Crysis game was investigating the interior of the alien spire. It had the same great feeling as the similar scenes from the movie Fire in the Sky. That whole scenario seems to be overlooked by people who instead obsess over the first half of the game (which is simultaneously boring as hell and has an awful patchwork story line that not only insults any potential branding of the Crysis name, it's pretty insulting to sci-fi games as a whole).

I knew I would eventually find somebody else who liked that stage!!!!

I thought the journey through the spire was fascinating in every regard......the aliens, the artistic direction, the sound design - all superb. I have no idea why everybody else hates the zero-g stage so much.