
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

I have an IBM x30 laptop running Windows XP sp2 and all updates. I suddenly
had issues donwloading and installing SP1 for Office 2003. Upon looking I
found that the c:\windows\CSC directory was consuming 25+gig of space. I
have 1 folder I sync offline, which is only about 150MB. First of all, what
is all of the rest of this stuff. Second, how do I get rid of it. I have
read the KB article (884739) on how to use the csccmd 1.1tool, you know, the
one that is not available. My understanding is that, if I could find this
tool somewhere, I would be able to rest the database and maybe clear off
these files. Anyone have any idea how the directory grew to be so large or
what I do to celar it, or how I find the elusive csccmd 1.1 tool??




Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

I have found the 1.1 version, problem is I still don't seem to be able to do
anything to the size of the CSC directory. The content of these directory,
and sub-diercotries, does not make sense to me. There are 8 subfolders,
D1-D8 that all seem to have the same data, duplicated 8 times. Each of these
is around 3.6Gig. Nothing I do effects the size of these folders. I found
reference a couple of places of a way to re-initilaize the database. The
steps appear to be for Win2K only as they have you open Windows Explorer, go
to Tools-Folder Options, and click the Offline Foles Tab. From there you are
supposed to hit Shift-Ctrl and click Delete Files and it is supposed to
prompt you to reset the database. Don't do squat for me. So, is there a
parameter with the 1.1 utility that will reset the database?

"Robert Moir" <robspamtrap+msnews@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Matt Andres wrote:
>> I have an IBM x30 laptop running Windows XP sp2 and all updates. I
>> suddenly had issues donwloading and installing SP1 for Office 2003.
>> Upon looking I found that the c:\windows\CSC directory was consuming
>> 25+gig of space. I have 1 folder I sync offline, which is only about
>> 150MB. First of all, what is all of the rest of this stuff. Second,
>> how do I get rid of it. I have read the KB article (884739) on how to
>> use the csccmd 1.1tool, you know, the one that is not available. My
>> understanding is that, if I could find this tool somewhere, I would
>> be able to rest the database and maybe clear off these files. Anyone
>> have any idea how the directory grew to be so large or what I do to
>> celar it, or how I find the elusive csccmd 1.1 tool??
> You need to contact PSS to obtain the 1.1 version of the tool, as it says
> in the knowledgebase article. Will the 1.0 version not do? Thats easily
> available to download with the win 2003 resource kit.
> --
> --
> Rob Moir
> Website - http://www.robertmoir.co.uk
> Virtual PC 2004 FAQ -
> http://www.robertmoir.co.uk/win/VirtualPC2004FAQ.html
> Kazaa - Software update services for your Viruses and Spyware.