d20 gammaworld



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anybody had experience of playing d20 gammaworld?

One of our dm's is starting a campaign on Tuesday...
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Murf wrote:
> greetings
> anybody had experience of playing d20 gammaworld?

I'm using it currently, but as an add on to D&D as a post apocalyptic
world with magic, instead of just post apocalyptic d20 modern. It
doesn't really work that will with D&D, I'd suggest Darwin's world
instead for D&D base, which I've used before with much better success.

The main reason I decided to try it instead of darwin's world for an
add on to D&D is it had a bunch of cool new things in it like nano-tech
and the ability to play robots, that don't exist in darwin's world.

It's probably fine for it's own campain though, but remember gama world
is a tough setting and I wouldn't expect characters to survive anywhere
near as much as standard D&D. I'd rate it slightly above a Cthulu as
far as toughness. There's been a lot of changes since I last played it
(the grey book) and it looks much more survivable than the original
version, and much easier to use tech items (basicly just skills & feats
instead of the crazy tech flowchart).

I don't think wealth level is really appropriate for a post apocalyptic
setting, which is my only 'in theory' complaint about it so far.

My only major in play issue so far on it is on radiaton. I've found
radiation to be terribly terribly nasty so far, had one of the PCs who
got cowardly mutation (supposed to be minor, but no way I'd classify it
as that) and inkwell from radioactive monsters, basically this turned
what I thought was going to be a fairly easy fight into one PC death,
and nearly a TPK. The PC failed his wis roll, vomited his smoky ink,
the monster had blind sight, so it wasn't affected, and then the PC
failed his direction sense (can't see in his own ink), and ran further
in to the ruins instead of out. Even if the PC hadn't died, he'd be
nearly useless with cowardice (he also gained 2 other icky mutations,
weakened hearing & lost 1 pt of int.)

If you have any other specific questions I'd be glad to discuss it with

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Gamma world d20....

thanks for the feedback. The campaign starts tommorow night, so I will
let you know how it goes,, the dm is letting us start at 3rd lev
because of the difficulty.

I used to play the grey 1st edition gamma world loads. i actually
started roleplaying with metamorphosis alpha a LONG time ago (my
edition is a 1978 print)

I loved the setting. We tried "aftermath" in the 1980's.. but it was
very complex.

I'm interested to see how the d20 approach works, I've a feeling that
it wont be a too serious campaign - one player has already created his
cha - a plant wilh a split personality.

I will, of course, be playing a mutant badger.... more later
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Murf wrote:
> anybody had experience of playing d20 gammaworld?

Feel free to join any of the mailing lists on this topic:

General Gamma World discussions:


(covers all editions)

Gamma World D20 specific (though the group's been pretty quiet as of late):


And, just for good measure, the general D20 Post Apoloclypse list:


As for me, I've run a Gamma World D20 using rules I wrote (before the real
edition came out). My take on it is that the D20 rules change the flavor of
the game's combat to a more tactical nature, which might be to your liking,
or not.

In the non-combat sense, it seemed to make the game a bit more sensical at
times which, also, may be more to your liking, or not.

I would expect the offical version to be about the same on those respects.

Reginald Blue
"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my
- Bjarne Stroustrup (originator of C++) [quoted at the 2003
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces]
Archived from groups: rec.games.frp.dnd (More info?)

Murf wrote:
> I'm interested to see how the d20 approach works, I've a feeling that
> it wont be a too serious campaign - one player has already created his
> cha - a plant wilh a split personality.

Plants aren't part of the default D20 setting. Has the GM created his own
rules for that, or has he acquired some from somewhere? I heard that the
author's might have been working on something for plants in the background,
but I didn't hear that they released anything.

Reginald Blue
"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my
telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my
- Bjarne Stroustrup (originator of C++) [quoted at the 2003
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces]
Archived from groups: rec.games.frp.dnd (More info?)

Justisaur wrote:
> Murf wrote:
>>anybody had experience of playing d20 gammaworld?
> I'm using it currently, but as an add on to D&D as a post apocalyptic
> world with magic, instead of just post apocalyptic d20 modern. It
> doesn't really work that will with D&D, I'd suggest Darwin's world
> instead for D&D base, which I've used before with much better success.

Indeed. The PCs in my game just recently bagged their first pair of
Slime Moles (fighting strong-strong Skaven clan Moulder). Nice stuff.

> The main reason I decided to try it instead of darwin's world for an
> add on to D&D is it had a bunch of cool new things in it like nano-tech
> and the ability to play robots, that don't exist in darwin's world.

Untrue. DW does have rules for playing androids, cyborgs, and robots.
Until recently, the party contained an android monk (he died one too
many times though, and that +3 LA is a real kick in the teeth).

- Ron ^*^
Archived from groups: rec.games.frp.dnd (More info?)

Murf wrote:

> Gamma world d20....
> thanks for the feedback. The campaign starts tommorow night, so I will
> let you know how it goes,, the dm is letting us start at 3rd lev
> because of the difficulty.
> I used to play the grey 1st edition gamma world loads. i actually
> started roleplaying with metamorphosis alpha a LONG time ago (my
> edition is a 1978 print)
> I loved the setting. We tried "aftermath" in the 1980's.. but it was
> very complex.
> I'm interested to see how the d20 approach works, I've a feeling that
> it wont be a too serious campaign - one player has already created his
> cha - a plant wilh a split personality.
> I will, of course, be playing a mutant badger.... more later

Hopefully he'll have powers of self-replication, and travel with a
couple of mutant mushrooms and a mutant snake...

- Ron ^*^