Hello! Quick post pertaining to another issue I had.
My friend moved a while ago, and a few months ago tried to boot up his PC that I built for him. He did say that his PSU was "dustier than the Sahara". The motherboard went into an infinite bootloop that only stopped when you flipped the main PSU switch off.
I advised him to do a full CMOS reset, and when he did it - it seemingly killed the entire board. When he attempts to press the power button, NOTHING happens. No lights, fans, sounds or anything. He got a new PSU, and had the exact same issue.
Is this a case of dead motherboard caused by a PSU short (cause dust), or dead CPU caused by the same thing? I'm buying him new parts over Christmas to rebuild, and I don't want the PC to not start when all's said and done..
MSI B85-G41 PC Mate
GTX 1660
12GB Ram
750 Watt PSU
2x 1TB HDD
Thanks in advance.
My friend moved a while ago, and a few months ago tried to boot up his PC that I built for him. He did say that his PSU was "dustier than the Sahara". The motherboard went into an infinite bootloop that only stopped when you flipped the main PSU switch off.
I advised him to do a full CMOS reset, and when he did it - it seemingly killed the entire board. When he attempts to press the power button, NOTHING happens. No lights, fans, sounds or anything. He got a new PSU, and had the exact same issue.
Is this a case of dead motherboard caused by a PSU short (cause dust), or dead CPU caused by the same thing? I'm buying him new parts over Christmas to rebuild, and I don't want the PC to not start when all's said and done..
MSI B85-G41 PC Mate
GTX 1660
12GB Ram
750 Watt PSU
2x 1TB HDD
Thanks in advance.