Question Dell Inspiron 15 3000 series laptop battery/power supply issue


Mar 27, 2022
Short description: Battery didn't work and stayed at zero, ordered new one, inserted it, replaced it with the old battery and now the old one is charging.

Here is a rundown of what has happened. This laptop has a HDD which I am certain is the reason for it running really slow in Windows 10. When I went to update it at times it would indicate the hardware will not support Windows 11. I got a SSD and put Windows 11 on it. Now, the laptop works with a new and good power supply. However, when I put the battery that came with it in, it wouldn't recognize the battery and gave an error message indicating this. I don't recall a number, just a general reference to no battery being identified.

One thing I thought was when I went to update Windows 11, perhaps it recognized the hardware as not supported and something may have been changed to disable the battery recognition. I did some troubleshooting in the BIOS, but nothing resolved the issue. Another thing is the original power supply was damaged at the tip. So, first I ordered a new power supply since it probably would be needed, and then tested it with the original battery. This didn't work, so I ordered a new battery. I finally got it, and I put it into the laptop. It showed 90% charged. But, curiosity got the better of me, and I wondered what would happen if I put the old battery back in. Now, it is charging. I have two batteries by the looks of it with one being new. I have the new power adapter,, and while waiting for the new battery, they delivered a second power supply (2 new power supply units for the price of one, 1 new battery, 1 original battery getting charged now, and one damaged power supply.)

Is it possible the damaged power supply unit did something to the laptop to disable recognizing the original battery but with the new battery at 90% it reset something? Or, do you think it might be related to the laptop and not fully being supported by Windows 11? If the latter, I am worried the same problem may come up the next time I go to update Windows 11. Until then, I will just keep both batteries fully charged. If one ever stays at zero, maybe the same thing will happen when I insert the fully charged one.

Another reason I am asking this is that I have a tablet which did something similar, and I am thinking I just need to find a way to charge that battery to get it working again like the original battery in the laptop. The good news with that is that there are metal ends I can charge it with. The laptop battery is completely covered in plastic, and I would need to take that apart which I don't want to do, especially now since it is finally charging now.
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