Question Devolo Magic 2 WiFi 6 issue?


Jan 30, 2016
hi there. have devolo magic 2 lan and wifi 6.
it works great, with full speed. ive also cloned wifi to develo, but.....
i ve noticed with my mobile, that whenever i "switch" wifi source, i start losing connection to other devices like the philips hue bridge and the only solution is to restart the router.

even worse, last night when this happened, i noticed that i had to re-setup internet connection for my 2 consoles too (lan connection) and my mobile.

what do u think the problem might be?

thank you
No need for small, separate postings.

Product being:

Phillip Hue Bridge



" ive also cloned wifi to develo, but..... "


Look for duplicate IP addresses.

= = = =

Update your post to include full system hardware specs, OS information, and more details about your working environment.

How many network devices, connectivity (wired and wireless)?

Do some methodical testing and observations to narrow down the potential culprit either directly or by elimination.

Last night, i enabled the out of home control in the philips hue app and i switch off the wifi from devolo magic 2 wifi 6.
so far, no problem occured. today i will switch back on the devolo wifi and see if something happens again.

thank you @Ralston18 for the HUE article.